Chapter 35

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Quinn turned around from her closet and looked at her girlfriend, "Okay, I've got everything... So Leon and Louise said it's okay if we stay tonight?" the blonde asked her girlfriend... Again... Just making sure.

Rachel giggled, " However, I don't think we're allowed to stay in the same room, I think you have to sleep on the couch... I think daddy spoke to them."

The Cheerio nodded, "Of course... I don't want to get in LeRoy's bad books... I'll sleep on the couch."

The brunette jumped up from her spot on her girlfriends bed, walking over to Quinn and wrapping her arms around the blondes neck, "That's not going to happen, baby... He loves you. Gosh... You and him when you came over on Wednesday... He wouldn't leave you alone."

The blonde chuckled, "I love your parents, Rach."

"And I love yours... Maybe we should switch," Rachel giggled.

Quinn wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's waist. "Or we could conjoin them?"

Rachel smiled and leaned up to give her girlfriend a kiss on the lips.

"Do you two just lock lips all the time? It's all I've seen between you two lately... Please close your door, Lucy," Judy smiled as she walked into her daughter's room.

The couple pulled back and stared at the older blonde, "You know, Judy... You could just not walk down the hallway to your daughters room."

Quinn laughed as she pulled her girlfriend in closer, Judy just stood there with her eyebrows raised, "My daughter is a bad influence on you, Sweetie."

"I am not," the blonde stated seriously.

Judy chuckled and then walked over and handed her daughter a DVD, "This is the reason why I walked down the hallway," Judy said staring at Rachel who was holding back a laugh. Judy looked back at her daughter "I found it when I went shopping," the older blonde said enthusiastically.

Quinn grabbed the DVD out of her mother's hand and examined it, "Is this another lesbian movie?" the Cheerio said rolling her eyes.

"Yes... But you won't believe what the characters names are," Judy beamed. Quinn just narrowed her eyes, Rachel leaned over and read the title with her girlfriend. The title read Imagine Me & You. Quinn flicked the DVD over and both the blonde and her girlfriend silently started reading the snippet on the back. Quinn whispering out the characters names "Lucy and Rachel."

"I know! How strange is that," Judy beamed as both Quinn and Rachel looked up at the older blonde.

"That is very extraordinary, Judy," Rachel stated. Quinn just smiled and shook her head, "Thanks, mum."

Judy smiled, "You're welcome... I thought it was quite amusing when I read it."

"Well it's definitely better than some of the other weird crappy DVD's you've given me... I might actually watch this one," Quinn said seriously.

"Do you buy Lucy a lot of lesbian DVDs?" Rachel wondered.

Judy turned to the petite brunette and nodded, "Yes... I just like to show her I'm comfortable with her sexuality."

Rachel smiled at the older blonde. "But we can't forget the lesbian porno you gave me once." Judy blushed as Rachel's eyes went wide, "That was an accident... and only happened once... I now know why the lady in the DVD store gave me uncomfortable looks."

The brunette turned to her girlfriend who was in her arms, "Do you own any pornography DVD's?"

"And that's my queue to leave," Judy stated as she turned and left, turning back to the couple as she got to the door, "Have fun babysitting Michael, say hello to Leon and Louise from your father and I."

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