Chapter 36

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"So you have no idea where Rachel is taking you, Luce?" Judy asked as the blonde walked down the stairs, suitcase in hand.

Quinn shook her head, "No, I gave her full range to do anything."

"Will we be seeing you sometime tomorrow for your birthday?" the older blonde asked her daughter.

"I'm not sure," Quinn shrugged.

Judy sadly nodded. "Mum... Come on... This is my first birthday I'm gonna celebrate since Wyatt went back into the hospital... I can't make a big deal out of it. I just want and need Rachel with me tomorrow," Quinn said honestly.

The older blonde nodded and then walked over to her daughter pulling her in for a hug. "I get it... We all get it. Did you speak to Fran? She said she tried to call you."

Quinn nodded, "Yeah I did... She sounds pretty good, mum."

"She does... I think she's thinking more about her sister then her son going into hospital, Luce," Judy softly voiced, it was a relief for the mother to be able to talk about her grandson with her daughter... Something she wasn't able to do with Lucy for a very long time, but she could tell her daughter was trying to come to terms with what happened to her nephew.

The younger blonde nodded as the doorbell rang. A smile spread across Quinn's face, Judy saw it and smiled, "You are truly in love with that girl, aren't you?"

Quinn looked up at her mother and for the first time she actually didn't care her mother was so nosey, the younger blonde nodded, "I think I always will be." The softball player then turned and walked down the hall to the front door, opening it up and seeing her girlfriend waiting patiently for someone to open the door, smile on her face.

"Hey, baby," Rachel smiled as she saw her girlfriend.

Quinn smiled and leaned down to capture her girlfriend in a mind-blowing kiss. Rachel moaning out to the surprised, intimate kiss but welcomed it anyways. "What was that for?" the brunette asked as the couple pulled back.

"I just love you is all," Quinn expressed.

"You're adorable," Rachel said leaning up and giving her girlfriend a peck on the lips. "Are you all packed and ready to leave?"

Quinn nodded and turned from the doorway, "Just let me grab my bag."

The brunette grabbed only her girlfriend's wrist, making Quinn stop, the blonde turning back to her girlfriend, "Let me," Rachel said with a smile.

The Cheerio smiled and nodded, letting the brunette walk into the house.

"Luce," Steve said as he came up to his daughter.

"Hey dad," the blonde said as her father walked up to her.

"This is just a little something for your birthday..." Steve trailed off as he handed the blonde what looked like a wrapped shoebox.

"Oh... Thanks dad," Quinn said as she took the present.

"I wasn't sure if I'd get to see you tomorrow... So open it tomorrow," Steve stated as he leaned down and gave his daughter a kiss on the cheek, and then turned to leave.

Rachel walked back up to her girlfriend, saying a goodbye to Steve as they crossed paths. The couple then walked to Rachel's Yellow Beetle ready to leave to the destination Rachel has planned.

Quinn and Rachel arrived at a beautiful Bed & Breakfast just outside of Columbus. The brunette instructed Quinn to get into the nice outfit she told her girlfriend to bring. It wasn't as formal as what they wore in New York or their date at Rachel's house but it was still an appropriate outfit for tonight. Quinn went with a black dress and flats, while Rachel went with a dark purple piece and heels... They were the same height.

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