chapter 8

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The next morning had Quinn standing at the Berry porch again; she had done that three days in a row. And this time she was welcomed by her gorgeous girlfriend, who smiled and jumped into her arms, then pulled away and gave her a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Morning Quinn," Rachel said with a megawatt smile.

"Hey Rach... I went to the Lima Bean before coming to pick you up... Here's a coffee for you," Quinn said smiling while handing Rachel a coffee.

"Don't worry its soy. You know I've knocked on your door three days in a row?" Quinn laughed while sipping her coffee and entering the house.

"Yes I know... I need to spend more time at your place. But you know what; feel free to just open the front door yourself... Well if it isn't locked," Rachel said, holding onto Quinn's hand and walking them to the kitchen.

"You wouldn't mind?"

"Not at all... Would we daddy?" Both girls entered the kitchen to find LeRoy sitting at the counter with a newspaper and a coffee in hand.

"Wouldn't mind what, Sweetie?" LeRoy looked up from his paper. "Hello Quinn," he added with a smile.

"Wouldn't mind Quinn walking into the house without someone welcoming her in?"

"Of course not... You're welcome here anytime you like."

"Well thank you. Oh... And LeRoy I know you're drinking a coffee now but I stopped by the Lima Bean and bought you one," Quinn said while handing LeRoy a coffee.

"Thank you Quinn. I'm sure it's better than this stuff anyways."

The Aussie looked over at Rachel, "So Rach do you have all your things... Want to head to school now?"

"Yes I'm ready... Bye daddy."

"Bye Sweetie, bye Quinn... Have a good day, if you two get into any trouble please call me," LeRoy said with a serious face.

"We will LeRoy... Have a nice day."

Quinn grabbed the brunette's bag and led Rachel to her car, opening the passenger's door for her.

Once Quinn pulled into the parking lot, she got out of the car and went over to open Rachel's door, helping her step out. "So you ready for this?" Quinn said holding onto Rachel's hand.

Rachel gave a nervous but confident smile, "Yes."

They both walked hand in hand through the parking lot, not many people gave much notice because they all knew the Cheerio was best friends with the gleek.

The couple walked to the cheerleader's locker first because it was closer, the Cheerio was surprised to see Santana waiting at her locker with Brittany, "Hey S, Hey B," Quinn said happily. She let go of Rachel's hand while she went into her locker to grab her books for her first period. "What's up?"

Santana looked between the two girls that arrived, gave a weird look of confusion but answered the Aussie cheerleader, "Where were you this weekend... Britt and I came over Sunday afternoon to hang, play some ping pong and hang out at your pool, but Paige said you were out."

Quinn grabbed onto her girlfriends hand again after she grabbed her books and closed her locker and nodded at the Latina, "Yeah, I was pretty busy this weekend... I was out with Rach most of it."

The blonde looked at her new girlfriend and smiled, Rachel returning the smile, Santana was getting way too curious, "Am I missing something?"

Quinn looked back at the Latina and nodded, "Actually, yes you are... Rachel and I became girlfriends over the weekend."

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