Chapter 20

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"Quinn Fabray?" said a darker haired girl with a clipboard. The blonde stood up, her girlfriend walking next to her and was followed by her parents.

It was the second of January, Quinn's first appointment with her Physiotherapist, both Rachel and Quinn's parents asked the blonde if they could come.

"You must be Quinn, I'm Claire," the Physiotherapist smiled as she stuck out her hand to shake the blondes hand.

Once Quinn shook the hand she then introduced her parents and Rachel. "Claire, this is my girlfriend Rachel and my parents Judy and Steve... I hope it's okay for them to be here... They wanted to come to my first check up."

Claire smiled and nodded her head, "It's fine, Quinn... I'm sure they are here for support... I've read your file that Dr. Chambers sent me, not being able to play softball for two years must have been hard."

Quinn just nodded as she followed Claire into an examination room, the blonde then sat on the exam bed. "My partner use to play soccer until he dislocated his knee and needed a knee reconstruction."

Again Quinn didn't say anything, Rachel saw her girlfriend was a little depressed so she walked over there and stood next to the exam bed and grabbed her girlfriends left hand. Claire then walked up to Quinn's right side and started to examine the blonde's shoulder. "So I've heard that you have been doing your exercises and stretches, how's that been?"

Quinn nodded as she lifted her arm up for Claire. "It's been okay, I'm using the yellow Thera-Band at the moment but I feel like I could go up in strength and use the red." Different colors on a Thera-Band meant different strengths, the yellow was the weakest and red was the next step up.

Claire nodded as she lifted Quinn's arm to the roof and then examined her scapular. "If you feel like you're ready, I don't see any problem... You're shoulder does seem a little weak but that's what I'm here for... To re-strengthen it and keep it strong."

Quinn nodded, while Claire let go of Quinn's arm and then grabbed her clipboard to write down some notes. The Physiotherapist then instructed Quinn to do some arm movements while she watched and wrote on her clipboard.

"Have you thrown a ball recently?" Claire asked.

The blonde nodded, "Yeah, I've been everyday for around 30 to 60 minutes with my dad, just lightly though, nothing too strong."

Claire nodded, "And how does your shoulder feel?"

Quinn took some time to think about it. "You need to stay honest with me Quinn, don't lie about the severity of pain otherwise you will do damage to that shoulder of yours." The blonde nodded, "It hurt when I first started... But it's slowly getting better."

"And how did it feel the last time you threw the ball?"

"Like I could throw it faster and further," Quinn answered.

Claire smiled, "Well that's great, if you feel comfortable going further, do it... Just make sure you don't over do it."

Quinn nodded. "Okay... So I'm going to give your shoulder a massage... It will probably be sore after, and I don't want you to do any exercises or stretches today since I'm doing this."

The blonde nodded, Rachel moved out of the way and then Quinn laid on the exam bed while Claire started to massage her shoulder. The dark haired Physiotherapist grabbed under Quinn's scapular and then lifted the blonde half way off the bed... The Cheerio cringed in pain, but she knew it needed to be done.

Once Claire finished, she then sat on a wheeled stool and got closer to Quinn who was sitting back up on the exam bed. "Okay... So when did you want to start playing softball?"

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