Chapter 17

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That night when Rachel dropped Quinn off after the couples date to Capital University's softball field, the blonde walked into the kitchen and made herself a cup of tea and sat at the kitchen bench, and her mind started to swim with thoughts. It had been such a rollercoaster of emotions for the blonde... Yet it actually felt like a thorn had been pulled out of her heart and was slowly getting stitched up and healed.

Quinn was looking down and begun to stare at the liquid in the mug. The blonde looked up when she felt someone rub her back and join her on the kitchen bench. "Are you okay, Luce?" Judy voiced concerned.

The Cheerio turned back to her mug and shrugged. "I have no idea how I'm feeling right now."

Judy continued to rub on her daughters back. "Did something happen between you and Rachel? Weren't you two on a date today?"

Quinn nodded, "Yeah we were... And nothing bad happened... Well between us."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Judy asked.

The younger blonde finally looked up and stared into her mother's eyes "Did you keep my softball glove?" Quinn asked out of the blue... Well not really, but for Judy to hear it, it would be an understatement to say she was just shocked.

The older blonde went wide eyed, but tried to get herself back together and answer the question, "There are a couple boxes in the basement of all your softball things... Equipment and uniforms from all your teams."

Quinn nodded and hopped off the stool walking over to the sink to place her still full tea inside. The younger blonde turned to her mother, "I have an appointment with an Orthopedic Surgeon tomorrow and I'd like it if you and dad were with me..." Quinn trailed off.

Judy still shocked just nodded to her daughter. She could obviously tell something must have happened today in Quinn's life, but she wasn't going to push her daughter to ask her what it was... This was a big jump for Lucy and she wasn't going to push her in the wrong direction.

Quinn walked down to the basement and started to search for her softball boxes. It wasn't that hard as her parents clearly wrote 'Lucy Softball' across the front. Her hands started to shake as she got closer to the boxes. She pulled one down and started to open it up. As she looked inside she noticed that it was all her old uniforms from the teams she was in. The blonde lifted one of them up and came face to face with a Light Blue and Dark Blue top... She sat on the ground and just began to stare at it... Her mind flooding with old memories of her running around in the uniform, representing her State.

Unbeknownst to Quinn at the time was her parents walked down and watched their daughter go through her old softball things. They had no idea what must have happened to their daughter that day but both their hearts filled with warmth as they saw hope in Lucy's eyes.

Three hours later and Quinn walked back upstairs, she didn't interact with any of her family members, she walked straight to her room and laid on her bed staring at the one item she brought up from the boxes downstairs... Her old softball glove. She unwrapped the elastic material around the glove and took the softball out of the glove, those two items kept the glove in its right shape for the last two years. The blonde turned the glove around a couple times and then slipped her left hand inside the leather. It was harder than she remembered but that was because she hadn't used it in over two years. The Cheerio grabbed the ball in her right hand and started to lightly toss the ball from her right hand into her left gloved hand.

An hour later there was a knock on the door. "Come in," Quinn said.
The door opened and Steve walked in with a bowl of pasta. "Mum thought you might want something to eat as you missed dinner."

Quinn nodded a thank you to her father as said father placed the bowl on one of Quinn's bedside tables. As Steve turned to leave he quickly turned around, "What time is your appointment tomorrow?"

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