Clam down

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I just look down the hall to see... the one and only Mahogany LOX and Jacob Whitesides hanging out

"Oh hell no he is mine" raelinn said it took me and Jazmin and Grisel to hold her back

After she calmed down I turn around to See mahogany walk towards me

"Hey I'm Mahogany and this is Jacob" I looked at Jacob but I noticed that he was starring at something or someone I turned around and saw that he was looking at raelinn

She blushed a little and then mahogany said " are you Guys here for magcon"

"Yes we are" I said

"Great" she whispered into Jacobs ear and he just nodded " we'll bart gave us VIP tickets and backstage passes for fans"

"I have 3 of them" said jacob who kept looking at raelinn

"And I have 3" said Mahogany with a smile on her face "so do you guys want them?"

we all screamed and said yes and got our tickets and backstage passes and went to our room

I shared a room with Jazmin and Grisel while raelinn and Madison shared.

Once we got settled we had a free day until magcon so I said let's go to the beach everybody agreed and ran to get their swimsuits on

I had a mint green one on and decide to put in a tank top and shorts and mint green vans and put my hair in a messy bun

I walk in our room and Jazmin already had hers on she has a green and blue striped one on

After we finished we went to raelinn and Madison room

Madison had a white one with anchors all over it and raelinn has a hot pink one that said "love" in big letters

Grisel decide to change in their room so she had a orange one with polka dots on it after they got finished we went to the beach and there were tons of girls there but we didn't care we decide to tan out when someone threw a ball and it's hit Grisel's head..... I wonder who threw it?

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