Special guest part 2

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Special guest 1 P.O.V

so right now it's 11:30 am because I like to sleep and I am finally up and going go Shelby's room

I knocked on the door and Matt opened it

"Hey" he said while letting me in


"So what's up?"

"Nothing just wanted to talk to Shelby


"Because she seems like the big non crazy sister of this group you know?"

"Yea i guess" he said

Shelby walked out of the bathroom and lay down on the bed

"I wanna go to sleeeeeppppppp" she said

"Babe someone is here to see you get up" he said while laughing

"Who?" she said then she saw me and just hugged me we'll I guess she is the big sister if the group

"Hey I'm hayes" I said

"I know who your are silly" she said while getting in her bed under the covers

Matt sat next to her and said "your the most laziest girl ever"

Me and Matt started to laugh "I'll see you guys later" I said

"Bye haybear" Shelby said

I just laughed and went out the door

Aaron P.O.V

So who's my next target I thought



Or grisel?

Raelinn has to much going on I'll leave her for last (;

I think I'll go for Jazmins best friend Shelby

I just have to get her when matts not around

I can't wait (;

Raelinns P.O.V

"bitch wake up" I said while just walking in Madison's room

"Can I have privacy?" she said

"Nope" I said while popping the p

I walked out of my room and saw Jacob we have gotten really close I don't think he is the one for my boyfriend he is like my best friend even tho we kissed but I we'll

"Hey jacob"

"Hey so I heard from someone that you got a date with shawn" he said while poking my stomach

"Did you hear that from shelby"


"I swear how does she know these things"

"She's like that mom/sister of this group she knows everything" we started to laugh

"We'll I'm going to go see her"

I went to her room and Matt was coming out but he opened the door a little bit to where I can sneak in so I sneaked in and stood behind the door

"Bye babe" Matt said

"Bye see ya later" she got on her tippy toes and kissed him and pushed him out the door

"No kiss goodbye?" he said

"You can wait bye" she said

"SHATT" I yelled at the top of my lungs and scard the shit out of her that It made her fall

"Oh my god" she said while laughing and catching her breath "how in the hell did u get In here?"

"We'll your boyfriend didn't close it all the way so here I am l"

"We'll we leave tonight for jersey"

"I know I was wondering if we can all go shopping and explore we don't leave until 10:30 pleaseeeee"

"Fine I guess"

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