Another one

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Jazmin P.O.V

I walk in the room and Shelby told me everything to Raelinn being asked out by Jacob to her finding Raelinn and shawn kissingto Matt asking her out

"That awesome shelby"

"I know" she said with the biggest smile on her face

"Okay we'll I'm going to tell Madison what's going on"

"Okay see ya tomorrow"

So today is Wednesday night so tommorrow we have a free day

"Wait do you and the girls wanna have girls day tomorrow?"

"Yea sure!"

I walked out of the room and quickly told raelinn about tomorrow then I went to Cams room because I knew she was in there

I knock on the door but nobody answered so I knock on it again and cameron answered with a towel wrap around his waist?

"Umm is Madison here?" I said

"Oh yea she's here come in"

I walked in and thank god I thought they where doing the nasty

But they weren't

"Hey" she said

"Hey" I quickly told her everything that's going on

"Shit raelinn is haveing men troubles"

I started laughing "if you want to call it that then yea"

"We'll tomorrow will be fun but I'm tired so I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yea that's fine"

I was walking towards the door but I forgot my phone so I quickly turned around and saw cameron and Madison having a full out Make out session

Tongue and everything it look like any moment they where going to rip each other's clothes of

"Okay we'll I forgot my phone I'll just be leaving now"

I quickly grab my phone and ran out the door

Raelinns P.O.V

I woke up by my phone going off

Jacob texted me

*hey beautiful*


*what wrong?*

*oh nothing just got a lot on my mind*

Which I did I had a lot on my mind Shawn and Jacob

I was going to The bathroom when there was a knock on the door

I open it and it was Jack G

"Oh hey jac-"

He cut my off by running in the room I had know Idea what was going on so I crack the door just in case

As I soon as I walked over to him he came up to me and kissed me and I kissed back wait no I can't have this Jacob then Shawn NOW JACK

"hey raelin-" it was Shelby "WHAT THE HELL JACK!!!"

Shelby came over and pulled jack off of me and pushed him out the door

"Oh my god" I said while putting my head in my hands

"I know"

"How come you always come to the rescue?"

"Because I'm SUPER WOMAN" she said while doing the superman pose

I started laughing "no because I guess I come in at the right time"

"We'll thanks super woman" we both laughed

"Can we just keep this to ourselves please?"

"I promise I will but it's already 2:30 am and we have a busy day tomorrow hopefully it will get your mind off of things"

"Yea I hope we'll night hoe" I said

"Night bitch"

And with that I went to bed I was shocked I could go to sleep but I did and quickly

------------- next day---------------

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2014 ⏰

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