Cameron search!

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Madison's P.O.V

Wtf is going on right now? I can't believe Taylor just fucking kissed me? why? and what is Shelby hiding from me?

I woke up and it's was only 11:30 in the morning

We'll fuck

I turned around and I didn't see cam where could he be? Anyways I got up and took a shower and got dressed. Maybe Shelby know where he is at.

I walked out of my room and started walking to Shelby's room I knocked on the door and Matt answered

"Hey chipmunk"

"We'll fuck haha hey what's up?"

"Is Shelby here? I kinds need to talk to her..."

"Yeah but she's getting ready in the bathroom so just come in and sit"

"Okay and have you seen cam?"

"No but he seemed pissed off the last time I seen him..maybe you should check nashes room, I mean they are best friends"

"True ok I'll talk to Shelby later bye chipmunk" I said while walking out of the door

I was walking to nashes room when I see taylor

"Oh shit" I whispered

"Hey beautiful" taylor said

"Umm hey? Have you seen cameron I need to talk to him"

"Oh yeah he is down stairs with some slut eating"

"Hell no hey I got to go bye" and with that I left I quickly went down stairs and taylor was right he was eating with some slut! I can't believe this! I walked up to him and her and sat down

"Oh hey babe" I said

"I'm he-hey Madison.."

"Oh hello slut bag how are you doing with you ratchet ass self today?" I said to the slut

"Excuse me?" she said

"You know what forget it.. hmm I'm thirsty are you thirsty whore?"

"What?" she said wow she is stupid haha

I didn't even say anything I just went up to the coffee stuff, grabbed the fresh new hot coffee and poured it all over her

"Bye cam bye whore bag"

I need to tell Shelby ASAP cameron better watch out because once Shelby goes on her searches she beats some ass (gets that from me lol)

Shelby's P.O.V

Me and Matt where watching the lion king my favorite movie and just hanging out when someone knocked don the door

"Babe go get it"

"Why do I have to?" I said

"Because your beautiful..."

"Haha nice try but I'm not getting up"

"But babe please *kiss* go *kiss* open *kiss* the *kiss* door *kiss*"

"Ugh Matt fine" I said and got up

"Holy shit" I said


"BRIANA!!" I went up to her an hugged her!

Briana is one of my best friends! And she's here! oh fuck YAS!

"Babe who's there" Matt came up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist

I look at briana and she has a smirk on her face

"Matt this is one of my best friends briana" I said to Matt

"Oh hey I'm Matt"

"Haha I know who you are" briana said "I love your vines"

"Haha thanks we'll I'm going to go get ready so you guys can catch up" he said while kissing my cheek

Briana came in and Matt took a shower. We catchesd up when there was another knock on the door gosh I'm popular today haha

Anyways I opened it up and saw Madison and she looked pissed. oh fuck


Oh hell no what did Cam do! she told me how we was with a slut and what she did to her (go madison!) but I'm about to kick some cameron ass!

Matt finally came out and came up to me

"What the fuck is going on?"

"I'm about to kick some cameron dallas ass! Matt I'm going on a cameron search!"

"Oh shit.." Matt said


Thanks for reading I'll update soon!

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