Tease much? And camdison getting it on?

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Aaron's P.O.V

So today's the day I'm going for my next target (;

I was in Matts and Carter's room, actually everybody was expect Shelby and raelinn

"Hey you guys raelinn wants to like explorer and stuff before we live is that cool" she said while walking over to Matt and sitting on his lap

Aww poor Shelby she doesn't know how sweet

Shelby P.O.V

So we are all getting ready and meeting in the lobby at 2:00 it's 12:30

I hear a knock on my door and i asked who is was of course It was Matt <3

I let him in and then I went to my suitcase and changed real quick in the bathroom I had on a gray shirt with some maroon pants with combat boots my hair was half way up and I put a lace bow in it

I came out and Matt was on his phone

I walked over to him and sat next to him I gave him a kiss of the cheek and sat there on my phone

"Really?" he said

"What?" I said

"You have to kiss me now" he said

"Why?" I asked getting up

He came up to me and wrap his arms around my waist and tired to kiss me but I pulled away

"Come one shelby"

"Why do you want one so bad?" I asked while laughing

"Because your lips our soft and amazing and I haven't had a kiss sense last night my lips miss yours" he said getting closer

I put my hand over his mouth and said "they can wait" I said winking at him and grab my phone and matts hand and went into the elevator we saw Aaron and cam

"Hey where madison?"

"She is really sore and talking a while getting ready"

"Oh" i said

"Ohh get it cam get it" Matt said

"What NO WAY YOU DID IT?!?" I yelled

all cam did was blush and scratching the his neck

"A condom was involved in this situation right?" I said

He started laughing so did Aaron and Matt "yes"

"Aww cammy pooh I growing up" I said while kissing his cheek

"So he gets a kiss on the cheek and I don't even get a kiss?"

"Yup" I said popping the p

We got out of the elevator and went to the car everybody was down there waiting for Madison

She finally got down there and we left

*ill post a another part today I

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