Bestfriends and magcon?!?

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Shelby's P.O.V

"Oh My Gerd are you serious" I said to my best friend Jazmin on the phone

"No joke I just talk to Madison and Raelinn and Grisel about it and my mom and dad are going to get the tickets"

Oh my god this can not be happening!

Me and my 4 best friends of all time are going to Magcon! But not only any Magcon SAN DIEGO MAGCON!!

"he'll yea I wanna go when do we leave" I ask while practically running to my mom and almost tripping

"Tomorrow at 8:30 am so be ready it's going to a hell just to get Madison's and the rest of them to get up"

I started laughing and said "ok I'll see you guys tomorrow"

I ran to my moms room to tell her the news!

------ after talk with mom------

"So can I can I can I can I?

"Fine Shelby but nothing nasty or anything you girls are crazy already I don't want to see any of you on the news do you understand me?"

"Yes mom I'll make sure you don't see us but I need to pack I leave tomorrow"

"Ok love you I have to work tomorrow but love you and be safe"

"Ok mom love you too and I will" I said while running to my home

----after packing-----

Finally I'm done!

I look at the clock and it was 8:30 pm

I decided to get in the shower and get ready for bed

I got in the shower. Smelling all good (:

And I decide to just to go bed.

----next day---

I woke up by my stupid phone going off

"This is Shelby and what in the hell do you want?"

"We'll good morning to you too!" Jazmin said " are you ready? I'm picking Madison and Grisel up now"

Oh shit I forgot about magcon!!!

"Yea I almost ready honk when you here" and with that I hung up

I quickly just put on some sweats and sweater and put my hair in a messy bun .

I made sure I had everything and then Jazmin honk, I got my bag, backpack, phone, keys, and penny bored and ran out the door.

I locked the door and put my stuff in the car

"Hey bitches" I said to my best friend

"Hey" they all said

On our way to the airport everybody fell asleep accept Jazmin because she was driving.

"Hey! hoes! give the hell up! we are at the airport! COME ON I WANT TO GET FOOD!!!!"

"Damn I'm up god Jazmin" I said

"Bitch I hear you no need for the yelling hoe" oh yes sweet innocent Madison

"Haha good on Madison" said raelinn

"Grisel get up" I said

"Ok ok I'm up god you guys a freaken annoying AND SHELBY FIX YOUR FUCKING HEADBAND"

we all started laughing,

we get out of the car and finally got in the airport and just went threw security and went straight for food

After we ate we just waited until our flight was called

"Flight 205 to San Diego"

I got up and woke everybody up because I said they could go to sleep and know there lazy asses they would take it

Finally on the plane we are so excited and we finally get to meet the ones who saved us the ones we loves Aka OUR BAES!!

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