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Shelby P.O.V

"Did that really just happened"

"Yea yeah it did" said Jazmin

All 3 of us was still processing what just happened when we got upstairs we ran to where Grisel and Realinn room and told them everything after we all clam down we went to magcon

Cameron P.O.V

" I have to find her" I told my best friend Nash Grier

"You will bro clam down"

The thing is I can't clam down I can't wait I don't know what it was about her but zayummmm

"Cam cameron bro you ok?"

"Huh oh yeah i-I'm fine"

"Come one we have to go"

I will find her!!

----skipping day 1 of magcon-----

"Hey mahogany you know those girl you wanted to hang with"

"Yeah why?"

"Please invited them!!" I said

"Ok ok clam down cam I will I'll text them right now

Shelby's P.O.V

*beep beep*

My phone went off

*hey it's mohangy do you guys wanna hang? if so come to room 209

* yea sure we will be there in 10 minutes


Before I could walk in the bathroom everybody was ready

I thought damn

I got ready and we went to their room we where only one floor down

I knock in the door and I froze completely i almost fell back but Jazmin kept me up

"Hey you must be Mahogany's friends come on in" Matt said

We went in and I sat down on the couch and Matt came over and sat next to me

"Your Shelby right?"

"Um yeah"

"I'm Matt and I'm single" and wink at me I blushed then he got up and went to talk to carter

I wanted to talk to anybody so I went to talk to cameron first I was not going to do it but then I got bored and said what the hell?

I went over there and me and him became best friends but I look over a saw Madison giving me a death stare

"Hey are you ok?" said cameron

"Yeah I'm fine"

"Oh ok hey what's her name?" he said while pointing over at Madison while not letting her see


"Ugh she even has a pretty name..."

"Aww you got a crush don't you?"

"Shut up shelby" we both started laughing I had to tell Madison this but not now I'll wait until later

We started getting tired so we decide to leave but I turned my head looking for Jazmin and I did at the right time I saw her talking to nash awww

Nash P.O.V

Ok nash it's now or never


"Yeah" she said god she is so pretty her curls her eyes her just her in generally ugh <3

"Can you stay for a while longer I wanna get to know you"

"Umm can we do it later I'm really tired but here"

Out of know where she took a pen and wrote her number on my hand

"Text me"

"Ok bye" I said while kissing her cheek I could see her blushing and I was to... this is going to be an amazing trip

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