No not you!

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Madison's P.O.V


About damn time.. all started back in like 6th grade she look down "I was a very very bad and taylor and my brother did some very bad stuff we stole, we own guns, knifes, any weapon you could mom don't know anything about this....." She finally looked up and looked like she was crying?

"Anyways one day I was home and I walked in on my brothers girlfriend he had at time and taylor umm have sex.... And so yeah other things happened and my brother found out..."

Yeah yeah yeh Shelby get to the point

"After that Cody wanted to get revenge and I got in on what we did was waited for Taylor's parents to leave his house on day and....we snuck in Taylor's house with Taylor in there....taylor was sleeping with codys now "ex girlfriend" I went threw the house and destroyed everything I saw while Cody I don't know what happened he told me to get out of the house and I did so"

What? This is what I have been waiting for?

"So if I ask Cody...ill find out" I said

"No don't do that" she said with a worried look

"Why? what is he going to do? kill me?" I said laughing while Shelby whispered "maybe"

"Well well well look who we have here" I turned my head and saw Cameron

"Best friends best friends again" he said Sitting next to me laying his head on my shoulder and wrapping his arms around me

I looked at Shelby then turned to Cameron


Cameron smiled and looked at Shelby "shelby are you okay?"

Shelby just looked up then got up and left

"What happened?" Cameron said

"Nothing" I said while watching Shelby walking away

Shelbys P.O.V

I got up and left I couldn't do it

I got in the elevator and slide down the wall and just cried

"Wow wow wow Shelby are you okay?"

I look up and see jack j and jack g

I wipe my eyes "yeah I'm I'm okay" I said as they sat down with me

"Wheres matt?" I said wiping my tears away

"Your room" jack j said holding the door

"Thanks guys" I said with a small smile and gave them a hug

"No problem" the both said

I walked out of the elevator and saw someone I didn't want to see every again!


Oh no.......

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