Jaelinn or nah?

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Jacobs P.O.V

So magcon is over and I had bart hire a personal driver for our date I was actually shock he said yes sense all he does is love the money but it's Raelinn so I'm not going to question it <3

I had a special date planned I am going to take her to the beach and have a Picnic and then we walk on the beach and the pier and then we go to the carnival that was going on downtown

I went to go get Raelinn and she was on her phone texting Madison I went up behind her and started speaking Spanish

"Who In da hell are you?" she said

I couldn't help but laugh and said Jacob

She got up and hugged me tight of course I hugged back

I grab her hand which got perfectly together and walked out we walked to the car and got in

We talked the whole way there once we got to the beach I walk to the picnic and it had candles and everything I'm so lucky to have Shelby help which of course dragged Matt with her

"OMG did you do this for us?" She said

"Yea but with shatts and camdisons help of course"

We started laughing we both looked in the basket and got our food out that Madison made/got for us It was go good after that we took our shoes off and walks by the water until we got to the pier but we sat in the beach first to watch to sun go down

Ok Jacob let's do this


"Yea" she said as she looked at me

Nows my chance I kissed her she kissed back thank The Lord are lips moved together for about 1 minute if was the best kiss every

After we both moved away from each other she looked at me and I looked at her and I smiled and she smiled back I put my arm around her and she moved closer and snuggled in my chest we just sat there watching the sun go down raelinn started to get tired so I ask if she wanted to go back and she said please so we just went back she stayed in my room and we snuggled all night long tonight was perfect

Raelinns P.O.V

Today was perfect

Jacob kissed me and OH MY GOD HE IS AN AMAZING KISSER (; it was a least 1 minute long I didn't want to stop but I totally forgot We where in public ):

Anyways I went to his room to cuddle all night I might have to rethink this.....

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