The Clown

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." Richie kept repeating. You and the other four kids ran through the forest. Eddie and Bill were at the front of the group. Richie was in the middle while you and Beverly were in the back.

"Who's idea was this?" Eddie asked, using his inhaler.

"Most likely Bill's." Richie snarled. You and Beverly rolled your eyes as the three boys started arguing.

"H-hey! You g-guys agreed on c-coming!" Bill shot back at the two. Everyone went silent and kept running. Beverly eventually broke the awkward silence.

"I thought we defeated Pennywise." Beverly looked around to see if anyone agreed or would speak.

"I thought that too!" Eddie threw his hands up in anger.

"I guess we were wrong." You said, shrugging. As you left the forest you guys stopped at the front of the school. Everyone was panting.

"Shit that was..." Richie stopped talking to catch his breath.

"Insane." You said for him. Richie nodded.

"A-are we going b-back in?" Bill asked.

"That's what she said." Richie immediately responded. Richie laughed. You and Beverly looked at Richie, rolled your eyes and smirked.

"There's no goddamn way I'm going back in there!" Eddie said grabbing his bike.

"We gotta find P-Pennywise though." Bill looked around at his four friends.

"He's right." Beverly agreed, walking next to Bill. You and Richie looked at each other, than at Bill and Beverly. Eddie sighed and hopped on his bike.

"I can't, my mom will kill me if she knew I was out here!" Eddie groaned. He started peddling away until he was out of sight.

"So a-are you two gonna c-come with?" Bill asked looking at you and Richie. Richie shrugged and looked at you. You nodded.

"We'll come." Richie said. Beverly, Bill, you, and Richie slowly walked into the forest. As you four were in the forest.

"Sh-should we split u-up?" Bill suggested. Richie stopped in his tracks.

"Are you kidding?! Have you ever seen a horror movie?" Richie spat at Bill.

"W-Well we'd be in groups of two-" Bill continued only to be cut off once again.

"But still! How the hell are we gonna communicate?" Richie spat. You and Beverly just stared.

"Did y-you bring the damn w-walkie-talkies?" Bill stared at Richie's backpack.

"Yes but I only have two! Not four!" Richie growled. "And what if the groups get split up and only one person has a walk-talkie? Huh? Did you think about that genius?!" Richie stared at Bill, rage building up inside him.

"Shut the fuck up guys!" You screamed walking between them.

"Yeah calm down!" Beverly said.

"I'll take a walkie-talkie and you can take one. I'll be in a group with Richie and you can be in a group with Bev." You said talking to Bill. Richie stood behind you, cooling down.

"O-Okay, sounds good to me." Bill said, calming down. Richie handed you a walkie-talkie and Bill one.

"Bill and I will go left and you guys go right?" Beverly offered. You nodded and took Richie right while Beverly and Bill went left.

"Thanks." Richie said as you two walked.

"Pardon?" You looked at Richie who sighed.

"I said thank you." Richie looked at you and faintly smiled.

"Why are you thanking me?" You asked, chuckling slightly.

"You saved me from punching Bill." Richie shrugged, chuckling as well. You smiled and playfully punched him in the arm.

"You're welcome Bichie." You said making a new nickname for him. Richie just rolled his eyes as he shone a flashlight around. Than after a while of joking around the forest the walkie-talkie turned on in your hand.

"M-meet Beverly and I a-at the entrance at the sc-school stat!" Bill said.

"W'ere on our way." You said into the walkie-talkie. You and Richie ran out of the forest and to the front of the school where Beverly and Bill were. Bill had a scratch on the side of his stomach that was bleeding heavily.

"Bill, what happened?" Richie asked.

"I-I'll tell you on the way back to our houses." Bill hopped on his bike and peddled off. Beverly followed him. You and Richie hung out in the back.

"What do you think happened?" You asked whispering to Richie who shrugged.

"I have no goddamn idea." He responded.

"It must be pissed." You said, grinding your teeth. Richie nodded shivering. Richie and you biked up to Bill.

"Beverly and I were w-walking through the forest and we s-saw It and it attacked us. B-Beverly managed not to get h-hurt but I did." Bill said. You and Richie nodded.

"Are you okay? Do you need a bandage? You can use the one on my arm if that's okay." You said pointing at the bandage wrapped around your arm. Bill shook his head.

"N-nah I'm fine." He said. You rolled your eyes.

"I insist." You said.

"No really (Y-Y/N) I'm fine. I-I can get one a-at my house." Bill said.

"Just take the fucking bandage Bill." Richie blurted. Bill sighed as the four of you stopped. You took off the bandage giving it to Bill. The blood on your arm had already dried up so there wasn't a lot of blood on the bandage. Beverly helped Bill with the bandage. Richie examined your arm, there was a big scab that was dark red and black.

"Bichie, my arm is fine." You said shoving him playfully. Richie didn't care, he didn't even smile. He just grabbed your arm and examined it. You sighed and let him examine it. The he looked at your head. Blood had bleed through that bandage.

"Are you sure your fine?" Richie asked. You groaned and looked at Richie.

"Yes! I'm okay." You said, smiling. Richie somewhat smiled back.

"If you say so m'lady." He said, bowing down to you. You rolled your eyes and punched him in the shoulder.

"Th-thanks (Y/N)." Bill said, walking over to you two. You nodded.

"Anytime Bill." You hopped on your bike and started biking towards your house. Richie lived fairly close to you so you both took the same route home. Bill and Beverly had to bike home alone.

"Why is Pennywise not gone? Or at least not fucking dead?" You wondered out loud as Richie shrugged.

"Beats me." Richie kept looking straight. You looked over at him, a smirk spreading across your face.

"Correct, I will beat you." You sped off leaving Richie in the dirt. He raced off after you and you eventually beat him to your house. "Beat ya!" You said smiling.

"You cheated!" Richie said in a sing-songy voice as he rode off.

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