Richie's POV
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shi- All of a sudden someone hit me with their shoulder. "Watch where you're going perv." Oh great. Just my fucking luck. I didn't know the kid but I was used to being called perv by older kids, younger kids, kids the same age. I was used to it. Apparently saying dirty jokes makes you a perv. Okay, that's my fault I'll admit but I'm supposed to be funny. But some assholes take things the wrong way. I could vent all day about people but I have to get to class. I stepped into my 2nd period class. English was actually quite fun. But I didn't want to pay attention today. I couldn't. I kept thinking about (Y/N). God. She is the fucking best. I don't want to ruin that. I don't want to ruin her.
"Richard," Mrs. Watts called my name. I was paying attention in a second. Mrs. Watts eyed me. "What does it mean to abscond?" Shit. I know this. This was going to be on our English test.
"Uh," I had to think. Everyone was watching me. Oh fuck. Than it hit me. "Abscond means to run away in a hurry."
Mrs. Watts nodded at me. "Well done Richard," After that I didn't pay attention. We were just reviewing stuff for our test. I was going to ace that test. It was about A words. Asshole. I kept thinking about (Y/N). If people found out we were dating. Holy shit. That wouldn't be good. Oh yeah did I mention her and I are an official thing? Plus my luck? My luck is shit. I have bad luck 24/7 when it comes to keeping secrets. I'm good at keeping secrets but if I tell a secret of mine to someone, it'll get out in less than an hour.
The next bell rang and I slowly walked to my 3rd period class. Today it was gym. My heart was pounding and I was shaking as I walked down the halls. I heard people mumble things, point at me, and laugh but I wasn't focused on that right now. I entered the gymnasium and speed walked into the locker-room. Everyone was screaming and hitting each-other with their towels. Like usual. I walked into a stall and leaned against the wall. I didn't want to make eye-contact with (Y/N). I always panic. One, because I love her and two, because I'm worried about if people find out we're a thing. I can't stop thinking about that.
After 10 minutes of standing in the gym locker room with everyone screaming Mr. Olson burst in. "What are you kids doing? Get your butts out here!" He screamed at us. I was already changed, but I was just sitting on a bench. I slowly walked out of the gym locker room and glanced around for (Y/N). She was talking with some other girls. I let out a sigh of relief and Mr. Olson started talking about dodge-ball.
After getting my ass kicked in dodge-ball, I was walking to science class. Than the worst thing happened. (Y/N) ran by me but she kissed my cheek and ran off. I was walking next to Eddie and he started oooing which started a trend of people oooing. I think half off the people who started oooing didn't know what they were oooing about. But the other half knew exactly what they were oooing about. I felt my face start to heat up and I fucking ran to science class. I shoved through everyone in my way. I even pushed a kid over. Well shit. Those were the only two words I could think of. I slowly sat in my science seat while everyone was whispering. I caught some people glancing at me and I just hid my face in my arms. "Richard, may I speak to in the hallway?" Ms. Petosi asked. Than again, people started oooing. Well shit. I hesitantly walked out of the room looking down at my feet. Ms. Petosi closed the door, and that's when I knew this wasn't going to be good. "Are you okay Richard?" She asked.
"I-I guess so." Look at me, I'm stuttering like Bill.
"You look pale, want to go home?" Ms. Petosi asked. Thank god she asked that. I was going to have a mental breakdown if I had to stay in school any longer.
"Yes please." I answered. I grabbed my backpack and my other school stuff and headed down to the office. The principal handed me a note that I was supposed to give to my parents. But I decided not to because they wouldn't give a shit. I walked out of the school and sighed. This day has officially sucked. It could probably get worse. It will get worse let me tell you. As I walked down the side-walk I crumpled up the paper and held it in my hand. I slowly walked to my house, I was staring at my feet the whole way.
The phone rang which woke me up. I had fallen asleep on the couch when I got home. I grabbed the phone and heard a familiar voice on the other end. "H-Hey Richie." Bill said on the other end.
"Hi," I responded.
"Wh-why did y-you leave e-early?" He asked me,
"I was sick." I said.
"Y-You should've been a-at school." Bill said.
"For what reason?" I asked. Bill stopped talking on the other end. He was just fucking silent. "What did I miss?" I demanded. I had to know what happened.
"Y-You're g-going to kill s-someone." Bill said.
"Just fucking tell me." I said.
"E-Eddie waited f-for (Y/N) at l-lunch and uh..." Bill stopped talking.
"And what?" I growled. I swear I sounded like Satan.
"S-someone pushed Eddie and y-you can p-probably g-guess what happened next..." Bill said. I froze. I think I knew what happened next. I hope that;s not what happened next.
"Did Eddie and (Y/N) k-k-kiss?" I stuttered. Shit I hope that's not what happened. Bill didn't say anything. He just stayed silent. Until he spoke the word I didn't want to fucking hear.

Lovely Loser (Richie Tozier X Reader)
FanfictionYou like him. He likes you. Everyone knows. Except you two. ~~~~ Undergoing MAJOR editing!!