You sighed and rested your head on your hand. History was always really, really boring to you. There were always those thick books you had to carry around. Especially up the stairs. Math and history were the worst. Those books were thick. Very thick. Just thinking about it made you groan and hide your face in your palms. There was a seating chart in history so you weren't sitting next to Bill. You sighed and checked the clock. Still 15 minutes to lunch. "Close your books and find a partner," Mr. Indie announced. You closed your book and locked eyes on Bill. He looked back and the two of you did finger motions to say you were partners. Bill was the only Loser Club member in that class, besides you. "You and your partner are going to be doing a project next month. You have this month to think about what your going to do. It must be about World War II. Example, it can be about the weapons one of the sides used. You have an entire month to think about what you'll be doing." Mr. Indie stopped looking around for hands. Someone raised their hand.
"Can we do a report about a person?" A girl asked.
"If it's very detailed, than yes." Mr. Indie replied. Than a boy raised his hand.
"How many people in a group?" Stanley asked.
"Three is the limit." Mr. Indie sat down at his desk. Bill and you looked at Stanley and the three of you made hand gestures, confirming you three were in a group. Which you were. Than the bell rang. You grabbed your backpack, pushing through all the kids. You walked upstairs to the third floor, which is where your locker was. History was on the second floor. You got to your locker and grabbed your stuff for your next classes. You grabbed your math book, math notebook, and art supplies. Including colored pencils, markers, crayons, and paint. You heard the bell ring and shrugged. You couldn't be late for lunch. As you walked downstairs and set your backpack against the wall you noticed someone waiting at the door. Richie.
"There you are!" He looked at you and walked into the cafeteria. You followed him and the two of you stood in line. Stanley, Ben, Eddie, and Bill were kind of in the front of the line. You and Richie were in the way back.
"What's for lunch?" You asked. Richie smelt the air.
"Smells like Sloppy Joes." Richie answered looking at you. "What's your excuse?" He smirked. You looked at him, confusing was allover your face.
"Pardon?" You asked.
"I waited for you for an eternity!" Richie punched you lightly on the arm.
"I was grabbing my shit for my next classes." You smiled at him slightly. Richie snapped his fingers right after you said that.
"That reminds me, what classes do you have next?" Richie asked as the two of you moved forward, slowly.
"I have math, art, than study hall." You shrugged.
"I have science, art, study hall, and than homeroom." Richie nudged you. Gesturing that you'd forgotten about homeroom. "What teachers do you have?" Trashmouth asked you.
"For math I have-" You were cut off before you could finish.
"No, I mean for art and study hall." He chuckled.
"Oh! Well, for art I have Mrs. Opal and for study hall I have... Mr. Indie." You said, trying to remember who you had for study hall. Richie smiled his toothy, dorky smile. It was a smile that was ear to ear.
"Yes! We have the two best classes together!" Richie put up his hand, waiting for a high-five. You high-fived him back as the two of you grabbed a tray and got your food. You and Richie walked over to a table where Stanley, Bill, Ben, and Eddie were sitting. With a few other people.
"What took you two so long? People are already getting seconds!" Eddie said as he laughed.
"Trashmouth over here waited for me to get my crap for my next classes." You said sitting down next to Stanley.
"Ooo!" Eddie, Stanley, Bill, and Ben said in unison. Richie and you rolled your eyes. After lunch you walked into math class. You took a seat next to Eddie. Stanley decided to sit in the front row and you and Eddie took the two seats in the back. Eddie was waiting patiently for the teacher while you were anxious for this class to be over. Mr. Collie was a nice teacher. You didn't know if this was a fact because he was new and you didn't know him well. As he walked up to the front of the class room he started writing on the chalkboard. Everyone went silent as they read the chalkboard. Everyone started laughing and Eddie did as well. You looked at the chalkboard and read it. I put my root beer in a square glass. Now it's just beer. The chalkboard said. You smiled and laughed.
"I can tell you liked the joke." Mr. Collie said erasing the chalkboard. "Name's Mr. Collie." He said as he grabbed something from his desk. He put a picture in the middle of the chalkboard. It was a picture of a collie dog! Everyone broke out into laughter once again. Eddie had to grab his inhaler a couple of times. He moved the picture to the side of the chalkboard and explained what you guys were going to be doing. You actually listened for once. At the end of class you got homework but not a lot. It was actually fun homework. You got to make up math a math joke. You already thought of a joke. How do you make seven even? .... (take away the "s") you wrote on your paper. Once you got to art class you took a seat in the back off the class. Richie ran to the seat and plopped next to you.
"Did ya like Mr. Collie?" Richie asked grabbing a pencil from his backpack.
"You bet! He's got to be the best teacher! Too bad he has to teach the worst class." You said sighing. Mrs. Opal said you guys were going to draw a picture of your favorite animal. You seemed excited about that. You liked drawing animals, and you were good at it. As you started drawing your favorite animal you heard Richie groan.
"Damn it!" Richie mumbled under his breath.
"Language!" You said in a sing-songy voice. Richie rolled his eyes and continued drawing his favorite animal, a frog. You wouldn't call him an artist, but he wasn't bad at art. You smiled as you looked at his drawing.
"Like it?" Richie asked, still looking at his drawing. You nodded.
"Yes," You grabbed your paper and showed it to Richie. "Like mine?" You smiled nervously as he stared at it.
"Holy shit that's great!" Richie stared at your paper. You took it out of his hands and outlined it with a sharpie. You colored it in right on time, you put your name on the back of it. Mrs. Opal took it and than she grabbed Richie's.
"We'll work on this more tomorrow." She said right before the bell rang. You walked up to Mr. Indie's class and sat next to Richie. The two of you sat in the back, the two desks. Again. The two of you talked the whole class period. Once the bell rang you walked to your classroom and sat in your desk for 10 minutes talking to Bill. The last bell rang and the announcements came on. After the announcements you hopped on your bike and rode home. Richie on your tail.
"See ya Bichie." You said walking into your garage.
"Farewell idiot." He smiled and winked at you. You rolled your eyes and walked into your house.

Lovely Loser (Richie Tozier X Reader)
FanfictionYou like him. He likes you. Everyone knows. Except you two. ~~~~ Undergoing MAJOR editing!!