You were half asleep when the bell rang. Your head shot up and you groggily walked to study-hall. Richie sat next to you. "You alright (Your Nickname)?" Richie nudged you. "It's Friday! It's gonna be great!"
"Yeah, I know Rich." You smirked at him and rolled your eyes. "What's the Loser Club gonna be doing this weekend?"
"Bill will call you." Richie said taking out homework and he started working on it. You sighed and read some of your book for English class. Once the bell rang you grabbed your hoodie from your locker and walked into your homeroom. At the end of school you walked to your bike and noticed your bike was the only one on the rack. The other members of the Losers' Club must've biked off already. You shrugged and biked home by yourself. A large breeze hit you and you shivered. Once you reached your house you saw a note on the table. Had to work late, Bill's dad called. He said for you to call them back right away. Love you! xoxo Mom You grabbed the phone and called Bill. You than remembered what Richie said Bill will call you. You waited for someone to pick up on the other end of the line.
"H-Hello?" Someone asked on the other end of the line.
"Hey Bill, I was told to call you?" You questionably said.
"Ah y-yes! T-Tomorrow morning meet a-at the D-D-Derry Park a-at 9:50 a.m." Bill said.
"Sounds good to me." You replied. "See you than."
"B-Bye (Y/N)." Bill hung up. You walked upstairs and did your homework. After that you watched some tv in the living room. You passed out on the couch.
You opened your eyes and checked the time. 7:20 a.m the clock said. Your mom must've moved you to your room when she got home. You showered and after that you got up and brushed your (H/L) hair. You weren't hungry so you brushed your teeth. You changed into a t-shirt and jean shorts. You grabbed a hoodie and put your hair in a ponytail(or bun). You hopped on your bike and checked the time once again. 9:30 a.m the clock said. "Shit." You muttered under your breath taking off on your bike. The park was a ways away but you peddled fast, trying to get there on time. As you reached the park Ben, Bill, Eddie, Richie, Stanley and Mike were there. Everyone was waiting for Beverly. The boys seemed to be talking and they didn't seem to notice you. You threw your bike on the ground and they boys turned around from their little circle immediately.
"Jesus Christ guys you jumped 10 feet." You chuckled and the boys smiled nervously.
"Y-yeah, I guess s-so." Bill answered.
"Where's Bev?" You asked walking over to them.
"Sh-She couldn't c-come." Bill replied. You nodded and sat down on a bench.
"Why'd you call us here, Bill?" Mike asked sitting next to you. Eddie took the seat next to you while Richie, Stanley, Ben, and Bill continued to stand up.
"W-well I called yo-you guys h-here is b-because I saw H-Henry Bowers wal-walking down m-my str-street when I w-was looking o-out my w-windo-" Bill was immediately cut off.
"Henry Bowers?" Mike asked standing up, throwing his arms up in anger. "I killed that kid!" Mike protested.
"Th-That's what w-we thought." Bill sighed.
"He's going to kill us now!" Eddie blurted standing up as well. You just sat there and watched them yell. It was pretty funny. You chuckled silently to yourself as someone yelled. You just sat there in silence.
"Guys, shut up!" Stanley said making everyone stop talking.
"Okay so let me get this straight," You stood up looking at the boys. "Henry Bowers is not dead?" Bill nodded, answering your question.
"But Mike threw him down a well!" Eddie argued.
"Well, maybe someone saved him." Stanley interrupted.
"Logic Stan. Use fucking logic." Richie snapped.
"IT." You announced. The boys looked at you.
"What?" Stanley asked.
"IT, Pennywise?" You looked at them, horror was all over their faces.
"Shit, do you think he took the form as Henry or saved Henry?" Eddie asked. Bill was about to say something when Richie said something before Bill.
"Probably took the form of Bowers." Richie shrugged.
"But IT won't back for another 27 years." Mike stated. Richie slowly shrugged.
"IT probably s-saved Bo-Bowers." Bill acknowledged. Everyone nodded slowly.
"But it could've been IT, we did see him before school started!" Richie snapped his fingers looking at Bill.
"True." You agreed.
"What if they both are working together?" Mike questioned. Stanley looked like he was thinking hard.
"That's a possibility." Stanley said.
"Who thinks IT and Bowers are working together to beat up our asses?" You asked. Mike, Stanley, Ben and you raised your hands. "Who thinks IT took the form of Bowers?" You looked around and saw Bill, Richie, and Eddie raise their hands.
"So nobody thinks Bowers is just on his own?" Stanley inquired. Everyone nodded.
"A-alright all we need is B-Bev." Bill stated. Than you guys had a long conversation about when Beverly would be able to come to a meeting. After that Mike asked.
"What now?" You shrugged at his question.
"Uh how about we go to the arcade?" Richie suggested.
"I'm g-good. I have t-to go an-anyway." Bill said, hopping on his bike and peddling away. Eddie was close behind Bill.
"Ben and I told Stanley we'd help him move stuff from his old room, to his new room." Mike stated. "Sorry Rich." Mike put a hand on Richie's shoulder and peddled off with Stanley and Ben. Richie sighed and looked at you.
"You got somewhere to be too (Your Nickname)?" Richie asked. His shoulders slouched.
"Sorry to say Rich but yes," Richie groaned as you said that. "I have to meet a loser at an arcade." You punched him in the arm and rode off. Richie was close behind and you guys stopped at the arcade. You locked up your bike and walked into the arcade with Richie. He was prepared. He had pockets full of change. He had given you some change and you both started playing all kinds of arcade games. Richie was pretty competitive. He always tried to beat your score. Sometimes he beat it and sometimes he didn't. You loved watching him try and beat your score. When he beat it he threw his arms in the air and did a weird victory dance. When he didn't beat your score he did the middle finger on both hands to the game. That always made you laugh. When it started to get dark you guys grabbed you bikes and peddled off.
"Good day m'lady." Richie remarked. You smiled.
"See ya later Bichie." You responded hopping off your bike and into your house.

Lovely Loser (Richie Tozier X Reader)
FanfictionYou like him. He likes you. Everyone knows. Except you two. ~~~~ Undergoing MAJOR editing!!