1 - Guardian Angel

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A/N: Welcome to my new story, Angel! This has been on my list of things to write for so long and I really hope you like it :) Updates will be random!

Kirst: Scott!!! Hurry up!!

Kirst: You're gonna get in so much trouble

I gripped my phone tightly in my hand as I ran out of the house. I overslept - once again - and apparently, there was a History test scheduled for first period that I had only found out about half an hour ago. Classic me. I ran across the street to my car and sped to school, stepping on the gas whenever the traffic lights turned yellow. I was already ten minutes late, this couldn't be good. Fuck. Shit. Shit, fuck! I slammed on the breaks when someone ignored my right of way and nearly crashed into me, coming to a halt in the middle of the crossroad. Now there were people honking, great.

"Shut the fuck up, you asshole!" I screamed even though I knew no one could hear me, and that was a good thing. There's just something freeing about screaming at people while they can't hear you, especially when you're more stressed out than you've ever been before. "Come on, drive!"

He didn't hear my complaints but he did drive on, and so, about five minutes later I was turning into the road where my school was. For sure there weren't any kids in the parking lot anymore, so I sped up, trying to find a parking spot, in vain. Of fucking course everyone already took all the spots, so I pulled out of the driveway again and found one on the other side of the road. I took all my bags, didn't even bother to throw them over my shoulder but ran towards the school building when something hit me.

I was on the floor, clueless of how I got there, my hands sore from falling on the rough concrete but that's when I heard the car speed right past me, at least fifty miles an hour over the limit. Fuck... That was close. I looked up, trying to orientate myself, and that's when I saw him.

Beautiful, gorgeous, almost... Glowing. He was radiating beauty, just looking at him made me forget about everything and instead drown in his warm, chocolate eyes. Chocolate with caramel and honey. Very sweet, but very beautiful. His skin was a healthy sun-kissed tan, his hair a deep, dark brown, a little ruffled in the wind. I stood up, walking towards him, but he turned away shyly.

"Did you... Did you push me?"

I could see he wanted to escape, but I wanted to get a better view of him...

"Thank you, man... For saving me. I would've run right into that car."

"I- I know."

It was a sweet, smooth voice, pretty high for his age. He looked around seventeen, just like me, but his voice was the voice of an angel. Haha, funny. He was literally my guardian angel just a second ago.

"Are you okay, though?" I asked, slightly concerned. I didn't see him coming at all, and now he's acting weird... Almost like he's scared. But he nodded quickly to answer my question.

"Yes, I- I'm fine."

"Okay... I'm Scott, by the way. Nice to meet you."

I held my hand out for him to shake, and after eyeing it for a few seconds he slid his palm into mine.

"Nice to meet you too, Scott."

I looked at him curiously. "What's your name?"

The guardian angel looked around, anxiety clearly visible in his eyes.

"I- gotta go. See you soon."

And with that, he was gone. He went around the corner, but when I followed him to see where he was going he was gone. Disappeared into thin air, I don't even know. I just frowned, turned on my heels, grabbed my backpack and walked to school, now checking a couple more times if there were cars driving down the street.

When I stepped foot into the classroom, Mr. Kalter frowned at me, handed me a sheet of paper and told me he needed to talk to me after class. Great, awesome. With a sigh, I walked to my seat, but not without throwing a wink at Kirstie. Who was this boy, why have I never seen him before? If he really was as old as he looked... Wouldn't he go to this school? This was the only high school in town. Maybe he was homeschooled, but... I just wished I would get to see him more often. I made a mental note to tell Kirstie about it.

When we were dismissed, which was about two hours and twenty written words later, I made a beeline for my best friend.

"Kirstin Kirstin Kirstin I need to talk to you."

We walked out of the classroom, making our way to the next room that was on the other end of the school. So we had a lot of time to talk. Kirstie rolled her eyes.

"What, wait, let me guess. You had a wet dream about Ryan Gosling and that's why you were late?"

"What?" I frowned. "No! I'm not gay! Besides, you're the one who has a crush on Ryan Gosling."

"Okay, fine. What did you wanna talk to me about?"

We made a stop at our lockers, putting our history books inside and getting our English literature stuff out.

"So as you know I was late," I started, making Kirstie laugh.

"What, really? Would've never guessed."

"Shush. Anyways, I was running to get here and a car almost hit me! But thankfully, there was this guy who pushed me out of the way. I've never seen him before, but maybe he goes to this school? He looked our age."

"What did he look like?" Kirstie asked, raising her perfect eyebrows.

"Well... He had quite long bangs, brunette, like a dark dark brown, almost black. His eyes were brown, too." I decidedly didn't mention how almost attracted I felt to those eyes. "About 5 foot 10, he was wearing a long, white coat..."

Kirstie pondered. "Long bangs? Like an emo kid?"

I just shrugged. Technically, yes, but he just didn't give me those emo kid vibes. "Kinda."

"Didn't you like, talk to him? Thank him for saving your life, maybe?"

"I did! But he didn't tell me his name. I asked, but... He said he had to go."



"Guess he's not interested."

"I don't wanna date him! Kirstie, why are you so obsessed with me liking boys, how many times do I have to tell you, I. Am. Not. Gay!"

Kirstie giggled, shoving me playfully. "Shut up. Didn't know your straight, manly ego was so easily hurt."

"I am not-" I groaned, just giving up. She would never stop. "You're lucky that I love you."

"I'm so lucky that you love me," Kirstie repeated and we both walked together to the next class.

Angel (Scömìche)Where stories live. Discover now