4 - Mitch

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"What's the matter?"

I sighed, running my hand through my hair, avoiding my best friend's look.

"I... I don't know."

"Scotty..." She began, concerned, resting her hand on top of my knee. "I know you didn't make me come over just to tell me you don't know."

"Yeah... Fine, I- I had the weirdest dream tonight. It felt real. If I didn't know better I'd say it was real."

"We all have that sometimes," she said with a shrug. "Nothing to worry about, it was just a dream. But what was it?"

I bit my lip, contemplating how to tell her but I finally decided to just go for it.

"Michael... Mike... Was in my room, in here." I pointed to the window. "He literally appeared right there in the middle of the night and then suddenly he was inside, I don't know how. His voice was so piercing it was like I was hearing him inside of my head." I sighed as soon as I realized how stupid it sounded. "I know this makes no sense, but it was scary."

"I get it." She caressed my arm softly, comfortingly. "He's been stuck in your mind, huh?"

"Yeah," I breathed.

"Can't blame you, he's hot."

I let out a huff. She wasn't wrong.

"Well, he's a very good looking guy, I appreciate his appearance."

"That's a nice way to put it."

"We seem to be crossing paths a lot. Do you think I'll see him today?" I asked hopefully, but Kirstie just snorted. I looked at her, offended. "Why?"

"Honey, not if you're gonna stay at home in your PJs and play Mario Cart all day!"

I rolled my eyes but laughed. "Fine. Wanna go shopping?"

She winked at me. "Just so you can possibly see your man?"

"My man?" I laughed, though I felt my cheeks heat up a bit and I prayed to the gods that I didn't blush. That would be awkward. "He's not my man."

"Well, then hurry up and make him yours or he's gonna be my man soon cause I'm not gonna sleep on that opportunity."

I wanted to say she could have him because I'm not gay and I wouldn't date him anyway, but this boy made me doubt everything I've ever believed was true. Suddenly I was more tempted to tell her to stay away because he's mine, but I just laughed it off.


We went to the mall, it was about a ten-minute drive from home and none of us really brought much money but it was just to get out of the house anyway. After this exhausting week in school, after Mike, Michael, or whatever, after last night's party, I just needed to relax, and what better way to relax is there than going to the mall to grab some coffee with your best friend? So that's how instead of traipsing around the stores we found ourselves at the food court, standing in line for the allegedly best coffee in town. It was a small coffee shop, but it attracted many people, so it had to be good.

After placing our orders, Kirstie getting a caramel latte for herself and a mocha for me, we sat down in the booth that was the farthest away in the corner. I liked it better than the ones in the middle, it was always so crowded and you felt like you were being watched from all sides. Here, at this secluded table, I immediately felt more at ease. I sipped on my drink.

"So, seen anyone you like yet?" Kirstie winked, making me huff.

"You know I don't like people, Kirstie."

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