ch.2: see you tomorrow

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He holds me tighter. "finally", he says in a low soft, smooth voice that is very calming.
I slowly start to separate from him and wipe away my tears of joy with my sleeve.

I get myself together before talking. "So, how did you get here, Hiroki?"
"I'm studying abroad here for school so I came by."
"Abroad? Are you a collage student already?" It took me a second to realize that we haven't seen each other in so many years.
"Yeah, my second year. I made sure to pick a college that takes place here or else my parents would never let me leave home to go this far away. And I didn't want to break my promise to you either so, why not just pick a school here, right?"
I stare at him, my eyes still staring in awe that he is really here, right in front of me, after all these years; all this time.
"Wait... Aito, you do remember my promise right?"
He jumps back a bit at first from the loud spook of my voice, but his eyes soften and the corner of his lip curls up.
"Oh? You've been waiting for me?"
I realize what I've just said and I internally start to panic. But it shows on my face because my eyes widen again and my cheeks turn bright red so I lower my head down to look at my feet to avert my eyes from his gaze. my heart is pounding and I can feel it thumping through my ears too. 'CRAP! WHY DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD! IDIOT!', I internally start to argue with myself.
Hiroki's smile grows and he chuckles a little. He tries to hide it by turning his head and covering his mouth with his hand and wrist to the side, but I can tell he's laughing because his shoulders are shaking a bit.
After a minute or two I get myself back together and my heart beat starts to slow down and I can no longer hear the thumping in my ears.
"Anyway, come inside. You must be tired." I insist as I widen the doors opening to let him in.
"Oh, thanks. So, I see you haven't changed a bit, Aito. You still look almost exactly the same as you did before I left and your still so easy to read," he teases as he walks through the door.
"Yeah, yeah. And what about you, huh? What happened to you? You were just an adorable little kid, but now... now your.... your... THIS!" I say back to him as I point my hands to his whole body.
He laughs again. "Haha, and your still just as funny as you used to be too, I really liked that about you. I'm glad you didn't change."
I turn my head blushing. "Don't say such embarrassing things", I mumble.

He rolls his eyes and puts down his luggage.
"Oh, Hiroki, when did you even get here?" I ask as I turn my head back to him.
He flops onto the couch and sighs. "Right before I came to your place," he replies.
"I see", I'm not sure why but for some reason it makes me happy knowing that the first thing he did when he got here was see me. "well you must be hungry or thirsty right? Want anything? I ordered pizza a little while ago."
"Uh, just water would be fine, Thanks." He says as he rubs his eyes trying to stay awake.
He looks so exhausted and tired after that long plane ride. I can hear it in his voice and see it on his face. I feel kinda bad not offering anything sooner. The least I can do for him now is make him feel comfortable.
"Ok, I'll go get some." I walk back into the kitchen and grab a class from the cabinet. I go to the fridge and poor some ice water into the cup, and can hear the quiet sound of ice cubes clanging and hitting the sides of the glass. I step carefully back into the living room cautiously trying not to spill it. "Here's your water." I was about to reach out my arm with the cup, but he was sound asleep. 'Wow, I guess he really was tired,' I think to myself as I snicker a little and shake my head.
I set down the cup of water on the coffee table and walk away into a small closet. I reach for the extra pillow and blanket on the shelf and walk back to him. "Geez, someone has to tuck you in? I guess you are still a bit of a child." I mutter quietly and smile.

I pull the blanket over him and pat his head. "Goodnight Hiroki, see you tomorrow."
Those are words I thought I would probably never get to say to him again... 'See you tomorrow'.

To be continued....

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