Make It Shine (?)

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*Tori's POV*

"Okay, here we go. Just get in there you got this"

I have been repeating this sentence for the past 20 minutes and i still can't get it together, i mean what's the big deal? I sang a song with Andre and i got into Hollywood Arts and now all i have to do is walk in and get my gay ass to my locker.

Oh right, forgot to mention, i came out to my parents as a lesbian two years ago in my 16th birthday, right after i..... well maybe i'll tell you another time, if you're lucky. Enough with the chitchat, i'm going in.

Anyways, this is my first day and i'm half uncomfortable with all these people staring like they're scanning my body for anomalies or anything like that, and half (mostly) impressed with how...colorful this place is, i mean the lockers look amazing! They each have something unique that basically screams who owns them, and suddenly i caught a glimpse of a locker decorated only with... scissors? Okay, definitely don't want to meet the weirdo who owns THAT locker am i right? But still there was something oddly charming about it....

Well now that i see my boring locker i realize that i must decorate it myself, which reminds me to thank the lord for keeping Andre and his friends away while i figure out my schedule (also i don't want them to see this grey rectangle of boredom and think i'm boring myself, what if he has a cute friend?), and apparently my first class is with a man whose name i cannot pronouce.

"Who the hell is Sy-ko-witz? God i can barely say his name."

"That would be me, Erwin Sikowitz, acting teacher. You must be the new student."

I heard a guy's voice coming from behind me and when i turned around i saw a man that could easily be mistaken by a homeless person or a hungover hipster. I lightly blushed (something i unfortunately do a lot) when i realized i was a mocking the name of a man standing right behind me.

"Well....yes, i'm Tori Vega-

"Hold that thought."

He dragged me inside a classroom that i assume was his and said: "Everyone let's welcome our new student Tori." And he placed me in some kind of stage he had possibly for acting (wow no kidding Vega, an acting teacher who acts? I'm so smart) and i introduced myself.

"Hi my name is Tori Vega, i just transferred here from New York with my mom. My sister had been studying here for months and she was living with our dad and now we all moved in."

Just then my eyes locked with the most beautiful pair of sparkling blue- green orbs i have ever seen in my life, she had long black hair with blue stripes and her outfit was pure black. She was fooling around with a scissor (guess the owner of that locker is a VERY handsome weirdo) and then she looked at me and i blushed (again) and decided to sit down before i said something embarrassing.

Mr. Sikowitz then began his class, which actually turned out to be fun (in a psychotic, life-endangering kind of way) and after other boring classes i met with Andre and Trina at lunch.

"Hey guys, thank god you're here i don't know anyone here and i don't like being alone"

"Sorry to disappoint ya sis', but i have to go see Ryder. Kisses" And with that my sister once again went to see her douche boyfriend, Ryder Lynn. He's one of those handsome assholes who trick girls into sleeping with them, and they've been together for a year now and i really don't like him. His past is a little shady, he was kicked out of his old school, William McKinley High School, after punching a girl in the face for not having sex with him. So yeah, i hate his guts.

"She's off to see Mr. Boner again..." Andre said and i couldn't hold back a chuckle

"Yep, i just wish she would break up with Sir Wanker I already"

As you may see we have an unlimited list of names for that asshat

He laughed and led me to the table where his friends were talking and eating, and i saw that girl again and when she looked at me i could tell she wanted to smile, but i can already tell she's very good at hiding her emotions.

"Okay Tori this is everyone, everyone this is Tori." Andre said and i had to bite back the need to say something sassy, but let's not make a bad first impression.

"Hey i'm Robbie, and this is Rex" He had a dummy in his lap and although that was weird as heck i decided to let it go

"Hi Tori, i'm Beck" he got up to hug me and i received a small glare from the mysterious girl, guess he's the boyfriend... great

"Hey Tori i'm Cat it's awesome to meet you!" This adorable girl with a red hair got up and gave me a warm hug and then.. winked at me? Hold up, what?

"Ahhh there's a bug in me eye, blow pleeeeeease" Oh, that's why. Oopsies. After helping her out with the bug situation there was only one more name to learn... guess who.

"hum, hey.." i said shyly "i'm Tori" she eyed me from head to toe and finally said with a smirk

"Jade. Pleased to make your acquaintance." she smiled at me and everyone seemed puzzled by it, but just shrugged it off. Cat then turned to me and i blushed (yes, again) at what she said

"So we saw your presentation with Andre and i LOVED everything about it, you have to sing for us sometime. You're really cute you know?"

"Well, I-" and i was cut off for the second time this day. By the same person. Ugh.

"Miss Vega! I see you've made friends, that's just wonderful! I have a grand idea!"

And he just took off to his office while drinking from his coconut (something i've been told he does very often), and now i'm wondering what that crazy hipster has in mind...

A/N: Hey everyone, so this is my first story and i would really like to hear what you have to say so please, comment anything you'd like and please answer these:

1) Is it too long or (not) long enough?

2) I love writing so i'll probably post almost every day, so should i hold my excitement or just post like a mad woman?

Anyways sorry for any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language...

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