It All Fell Down

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*Jade's POV*

This is so strange. The only time I saw Tori act this weird was when we kept eye fucking each other and it made her blush and look away, but this time something feels... off. She tried to hide it but I saw it, she was avoiding me.

Maybe I came on too strong..? Maybe I said something in my sleep, or maybe... oh god.... did I let it slip that I love her? Oh my god that's probably it! I talked while I was sleeping and it scared her off, of course! It's too soon for her.

I have to talk to her.

It doesn't matter if I'm getting hurt, I just know losing her would be.... NO! That is NOT an option, period.

I look around and I can see everyone is still talking about Tori leaving early, so I'll just casually get up and leave..

"Hey Jade where are you going?" Beck asks

I swear to god I might kill him

"Oh, uh I'm heading out" I say and he looks puzzled

"Why?" he asks and I'm trying really hard to come up with an excuse that doesn't sound like bullshit

"Because I want to" now that's a Jade answer, good job brain

I turn my back to them and leave feeling a little proud of myself for being able to sound so convincing, but my thoughts are interrupted by Jacob's voice behind me

"Hey Jade, wait up!" he is jogging a little to catch up, and although my heart is telling me to tell him to piss of so I can go see Tori by myself, I choose to listen to my brain and stop to wait for him.

"What's up?" I ask in my polite/annoyed tone (fun fact: I am actually the only human being capable of making that tone)

"Can I give you a ride?" he offers

"But you don't even know where I'm-

"Victoria's house?" he interrupts me and now I'm the one with a puzzled expression "Beck told us you might be worried about her leaving early so I wanted to take you there, since I'm worried too" he explains and I give him my oh okay look as we proceed to the school's parking lot "You never know what she might tell you.."

We enter his car and when we turn on the radio Titanium is playing, and my brain immediately travels back to Sikowitz's crazy sleepover a.k.a the night when I unconsciously admitted to myself I had feelings for Vega. The way she played the piano and just felt the song she was singing for Robbie, how hypnotized we all were by the whole situation, and how her body moved and-

"We're almost there!" Jacob says and I literally jump on my seat, wow I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't even see the time pass! It's getting dark already?!

After a few minutes we pull up in front of her house and just as I'm about to get out of the car, her front door opens and Camila walks out.

Jealousy starts to build inside of me, but I stop myself

Calm down, Jade. They are friends, and that's okay..

I take a deep breath and calmly open the door, but as I step out Tori hugs her and kisses her cheek.


I start walking furiously towards her and Camila sees me, but I can hear Vega telling her to leave

"OH SO YOUR GIRLFRIEND WON'T BE JOINING US? WHAT A SHAME" I say and right now I can't control any word coming out of my mouth or think about them first, so god help me...

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