The Sleepover part 2

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*Tori's POV*

It was Jade's turn and she's been staring at me for the past minute so deeply that i'm pretty sure she can see my soul right now.

"Truth" she finally said. Wow really? How vanilla of her...

"Oh i know!" Cat said. Oh man, i want to hear this. "Since you and Beck broke up a while ago, who is the mysterious person that has been making you soft like a kitty?" she asked with a giggle and she might as well punch me in the heart, 'cause that's how this felt like.

"Oh, It's just...someone...You guys don't know..him" she stated avoiding eye contact with anyone and i could actually hear my poor gay heart shattering.

"Come on, say his name!" Cat insisted and Andre turned to me and mouthed i'm sorry Tor, and yes he knows, and so does Bella. She also looked at me and squeezed my hand just as Jade said

"To..m" she said and i saw Beck raise an eyebrow, well guess he knows the kid. My excitement for the night just dropped about 24%... yay....

Next up it was me, again. Damn you bottle.

"Alright Vega, what will it be?" Jade asked me with her sexy tone and i wasn't the only one to look at her confused, i'm starting to think Bella is..jealous?

"Dare" i said looking at her straight in the eyes, and she seemed surprised. I smirked.

"Why don't you-

"SING A SONG FOR US" Cat screamed and scared the bejeevies out of us "Sorry.. Tori, if you don't mind, i dare you to sing a song right here, right now"

"Uhm..okay, i guess..?" I was still a little startled

"Yay! Alright, ten seconds to pick a song!" she was actually excited to her me sing, even though that's exactly what i did not even an hour ago.... but whatever.

For some reason my brain could only focus on the red solo cup in everyone's hand and then it hit me "Okay i got it." i said and finished my drink (it was sparkling cider okay? don't get any ideas), then i began to sing Cups by Anna Kendrick and out of nowhere everyone including Sikowitz started to sing along, and we seemed like those island survivors singing Kumbaya

"That was fun" i said with a light chuckle

The bottle kept on coming back to me and i was already frustrated, so we decided to ditch it and just ask each other things.

"Damn Tor, even the bottle is attracted to you" Bella said with a wink and i blushed and saw Jade's fist clench and gave her a slight puzzled look. She just shrugged and looked away.

Everyone started asking random questions at each other, until they decided to basically interrogate me

"What are your hobbies?" Beck asked me

"I play the piano, guitar, keyboard, launchpad and-

"Whoa, launchpad? You a DJ or something????" Andre asked, clearly not believing in me

"Yes she is, back home she had a name" Bella started but i quickly put my hand over her mouth and barked "Don't you dare tell them" and she just started to laugh and push me away

"Watch me babes" she said and i closed my eyes preparing for a massive blush "Her name was Doughnut Bumper" she and Trina burst out laughing but the others were still confused. Oh no, now i have to explain. Fuck me.

"It's because i'm a lesbian.." i said still blushing a little, but no one was catching up

"Guys, come on" Trina stepped in, oh boy here we go "it's because she 'bumps her doughnut' with other... doughnuts" and that did it, they all started laughing uncontrollably and i was red as a tomato, and i had my face buried in my hands.

"Oh come on Tori, it's not that bad" Andre said trying to hold his laughter and i glared at him

"Oh sure. It's amazing. Can we move on please?" i couldn't take any more blushing

"Play something for us" Jade suggested and i was about to object when Ryder said

"Come on Doughnut Bumper, prove to us that you're really a DJ" and then i glared at him and said

" Shut up smacktard! I don't have to prove shit to you... But fine! I'll play something" he really gets on my nerves...

I quickly went to my locker and got my launchpad, and when i came back i sat down and played a remix i made a while ago, a cover from I'm An Albatraoz.

(A/N: Check it out, it's incredible. It's the video up there ^^ btw )

I could tell they were actually surprised and a smile crept its way to my face.

I'm relieved they forgot the questions they were asking, because i'm not ready to share everything about my past...

After a few rounds of questions and embarrassments we were really hungry and Sikowitz ordered some pizzas and decided to go to sleep (he set up a few tents in Velma's class, since it has the biggest room in this school), so we were alone and stuffing our faces with pizza.

We ate the four large pizzas Sikowitz had ordered and thank the lord Ryder decided to sleep as well, but unfortunately my idiotic sister decided to join him. Ugh i swear i might choke them in their sleep.. Or at least i'll hire Jade to do it.

After an hour worth of shenanigans we decided to sing some more while talking to each other, and Jade and i decided to show everyone the song we wrote during Sikowitz's previous assignment (the 'date' that we had), Take a Hint , and as i predicted, they absolutely loved it and i have to confess, when Jade does the countdown my legs begin to shake and i can feel myself getting weaker...

Then we were all too tired to do anything else and decided to call it a night. When i got to my tent (mine and Bella's) Cat was already there and seeing as my best friend sleeps like a rock i have to go to Cat's tent now, and can you guess who was sharing that tent with her?

"Uhm hey... I uh...just.." Wow good job Vega, Jade already thinks you're stupid and now you just proved her right. Just go inside the tent Tori.

"Cat fell asleep in your tent right? Don't sweat it you can sleep here" i was about to smile when she said "but i can't promise you'll ever wake up.." she smirked and i gulped, maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all...

"I'm joking Vega, jeez relax" she shrugged and i released a breath i had no idea i had been holding

"Thanks Jade" i gave her a small smile and blushed as soon as i felt my hand touching her finger. "Oh, i'm uh.. sorry" as i was about to move my hand she leaned in and whispered in my ear, and her voice sent shivers down my spine

"Stop apologizing" her face was so close to mine that i could feel her warm breath against my cheek, she then looked me in the eyes and said softly "goodnight little doughnut" i blushed (how's that for a change right? wow Vega, just wow) and she gave me a little wink, and we both went to sleep.

It took me almost two hours to control and dismiss the urge to just wake her up and kiss her... Oh Jade what have you done to me? How did you destroy my walls so easily?

My heart is torn right now. I still have feelings for.. someone else, but i fear i might be falling in love with Jade West...and she will never know, or feel the same way...

A/N: What up people? Same old news just tell me what you think, share if you liked it, next chapter coming soon and bla bla bla bla

Just kidding i love you guys, thank you so much for the support and i'll see you next chapter, bye!

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