Pain and No Gain

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*Third Person's POV*

Tori slowly opens her eyes and her head is spinning, her legs feel slightly numb and her hands are above her head. She is tied up and hanging from the ceiling. She can feel the dried trails of blood on her face and chest, her sweat traveling down the same path, and her left eye hurts from the punch she received earlier so the light above her is another thing bothering her.

"Wonderful"  she thinks "now I have broken ribs, a black eye, an uncertain amount of cuts and my wrists are fucking throbbing"

After a few moments of pain and confusion, realization hits her like a train

"He kidnapped me"

Her heart starts racing and the sweating intensifies as she tries to move her legs, but it's worthless since she's been hanging there for hours. Her legs won't work for a little while, and for now, Tori realizes she can only use her head.

"Enjoying yourself?" a sick perverted and disgusted tone coming from a dark corner in the room draws Tori's attention, and her confusion turns into anger

"Where am I?!" she demands, but her only response is his devilish laughter

"It doesn't matter" his laughter fades and a dark tone takes its place "you'll never leave"

He steps out of the shadows. Holding a knife.

"Let's have some fun" he whispers

**Vega Residence**

The police has arrived three hours ago and detective Decker has been collecting statements and bossing people around non-stop, her face shows how worried she is and how much she wants to find Tori.

Everyone keeps going back and forth between the rooms, travelling to the school and to Jake's house, but the one person who hasn't moved at all is Jade.

She has been replaying Tori's videos over and over for the last two and a half hours, right after she gave her statement, and guilt and desperation have taken over her body. She hasn't been able to hold back her tears, but after a while she managed to control them, so now she's replaced sobbing with silent tears and a complete absence of words.

Decker notices this and sits next to Jade in Tori's room.

"We'll find her" she reassures her, but Jade refuses to look at her "It wasn't your fault, you know? I should've known this kid would cause more trouble, I'm a detective for God's sake!" Chloe's eyes go to the floor

"There was no way any of us could've known" Jade speaks for the first time in hours

"So why are you feeling so guilty?" she looks at her with the same confused expression she had when she asked Vega all those years ago why the girl blamed herself for her sister's murder

"It's more like.. regret" Jade takes her time to find the proper words "I never told her... how I feel." she wipes her tears once again "I love her, and she might die without knowing it"

Jade can feel a hole forming inside her chest at the sound of that sentence. Saying it out loud for the first time makes everything better.. and worse. Now her fear and regret are over the roof, and she already has a headache from crying so much, but her heart is overwhelmed with feelings and that does it.

She starts to sob uncontrollably and her body convulses, bringing back a painful deja vu.. 

"Hey" Chloe pulls her in for a hug and soothes her hair, trying to calm her down "It's going to be okay" she kisses her forehead "I promise you, we are going to find her.." she closes her eyes, knowing that one of the first things she learned in this line of work is not making any promises.

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