New Kids OnThe Block

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*Tori's POV*

Flashbacks from the kiss are starting to haunt me, I honestly don't know what to do anymore.

She ran out of the room after she kissed me, and in the two weeks that followed she just ignored me at school and refused to pick up her phone. Is she trying to mess with me? She has been flirting with me since day one, she clearly suffers from severe jealousy, she shows that she cares, she kisses me, runs away and avoids me? Like what the hell????

You know what. screw this. I can't think by myself, I'm calling Bel-

*phone rings*

That was fast...

"Hey Bells, I was about to call you" I said "Is everything okay?"

"Can we talk tomorrow?" she sounded serious

"Yes of course, but is everything alri-

She hung up. Wow what could possibly be so serious that she would hang up on my face without even a small amount of sass in her voice? Weird...

The school just sent me an email.... What there's a new class? What's the subject? I don't know what to expect after "Riddles Class"... Who's the teacher?

Oh there's a name at the bottom.. It says... "Mrs. Cassandra July". Doesn't ring any bells, let me look her up...

 Doesn't ring any bells, let me look her up

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Okay, DAMN. I know it's illegal and shit, but it tap th-

"Hey watch it!" I was snapped out of my thoughts

Some guy yelled at this girl that had just walked in my class. She seems shy and I don't like his tone

"Hey, don't worry about it" I tap her on the shoulder "Come sit with me"
She tilted her head in confusion but sat next to me

"Why are you being so nice to me? I mean, you don't even know me" she said in a shy whisper, I could barely hear her

"Because I've been there" I chuckled "being the new kid and stuff. I moved here a few months ago, and the people I knew were my sister and her douche boyfriend

She laughed at that last part.

"Thank you" she said "I'm Camila"
I shook her hand and said "I'm Victoria, but my friends call me Tori"

"So" she said after shaking my hand "glad to see I'm not the only latina here"

"The only difference between us is I was born in New York, my mom however, was born in Puerto Rico" I stated

"I was born in Cojímar" she said "and I moved to Miami when I was five"

"Oohh Havana, I love that place! It's absolutely beautiful" I said

We kept on talking until Sikowitz came into the room and pointed at us

  "Ah! Miss Vega, since you've made your acquaintance with our new student you won't mind standing up with her and coming to the front of the class, right?" he said and I was somewhat startled by him and the fact that the class had already started and we didn't even notice, and out of the corner of my eye I could feel the looks we were receiving from Jade.

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