Nobody is gonna hit you harder than life

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*Tori's POV*

Lats night is still roaming around my brain. I still haven't slept and my alarm clock just went off, and as I head to take a shower the flashbacks come back.


I can't believe how adorable she looks, and I'm sitting three feet away from her. Driving for as hour in the dark goes by like a second when you're with someone you care about, and I'm in love with her, so you can imagine how fast this'll be.

She doesn't know though, she fell asleep before I could say it, but I'm not upset by it. Specially with her hand on my leg (I'm smiling like an idiot right now), seems like her unconscious self wants to be with me as much as I want to be with her.

The wind blows the strands of her across her face and I carefully tuck them behind her ear, and she doesn't even flinch. I laugh to myself.

We arrive at her place and I'm already missing her, if only this night could last forever... I get out of the car but I can't find the strength in me to wake her up, so I open her door and take her in my arms.

"How is she still sleeping?" a female voice behind us says and I turn around to see a woman slightly taller than me with the same blue-green eyes as Jade

"I have no idea" I say turning around "I'm afraid we haven't met"

"Of course, where are my manners?" she leads me inside "I'm Scarlett, Jade's aunt. And you are?"

"I'm Tori, Jade's uhm.. friend." I gulped "C-can I take her to her room? I didn't want to wake her up"

"Of course dear" she points at the stairs "Thank you for this"

I head upstairs and her room is exactly how I imagined, the furniture is black and the walls are a light gray, the floor is white like the ceiling and she has pictures on her wall. Pictures of us and of her parents, I spot a picture of her and her aunt together with a woman I can only assume is her mother.

I set her down gently on her bed and remove her boots, I get a blanket and caress her cheek with my thumb.

"Good night Jade" I whisper and kiss her forehead

Her aunt goes to the guest room after I leave and I head to the car, I start the engine and ironically, True Love is playing. I feel like this song has been playing way too many times in my life, not that I'm complaining though, It surely describes my feelings. I drive towards her neighbor's house and see the lights are still on.

I get off the car but I want the song to play for a little while longer, so I get the guy first and then hand the car over. I walk over to his place and ring the doorbell, and after a little while the door opens. And I couldn't believe my eyes.

"J-Jake?" I struggle with my words

"Hello Vega" he looks at me with his evil disgusting smug "Miss me?"

He grabs my arm and pulls me inside his house, and fear freezes my entire body, making me unable to think or act.

"You know" he starts as I watch him paralyzed "In the last three years all I could think about was you" I gulp "I could never get over what happened, I mean, how could I miss? You were right there, about four feet away from my gun, and I missed."

He walks closer to me and my legs were shaking and my hands began to sweat

"Your beautiful sister" he whispers and I look at him just to see his hand coming towards my face "Lost and for what?" he slaps my face again "For you!" he punches my stomach and fall to the ground "You're nothing but a mistake from God!" he kicks my stomach

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