Words Cut Deeper Than a Knife - Part 2

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*Third Person's POV*

It's been three hours and twelve minutes... The sun is rising and the light is flooding the room, lighting up everything but the mood of those inside it. Jade's brain is going nuts and her heart is this close to stopping. Everyone is deep in their own thoughts, so Jade's desperation goes unnoticed. Until they hear the sound of a car..

They rush to the door and detective Decker walks in, with a frustrated look on her face.

"Well?" Bella asks "Did you get him??"

She sighs, clearly frustrated and exhausted.

"He ditched his car and there wasn't a single indication to where he might've gone" she answers "Forensics is taking a closer look at the car, so all we can do is wait"

"Again?" Trina asks, nervous

Just as she says this Jade feels a vibration on her pocket, and when she pulls out her phone she sees a text from an unknown number. She opens it and can't contain her shock, she gasps loudly and all heads turn to face her.

"What is it Jade?" Chloe asks

"V-vi-vid-deo" she barely gets it out of her "Tori" her eyes water

Decker grabs Jade's phone immediately

"I'm a man of my word" she reads the text out loud "Here she is, alive as promised"

She clicks on the video bellow the text and everyone gathers around her to see, and one shrot second after pressing play Tori's image pops on the screen. The sound of their hearts shattering could be heard from the heavens, and low whispers could only be heard by themselves.

"Tori.." Jade whispers to herself

"There's something you should hear" he states and pulls out of his pocket a recording device that is attached to his phone

"Wha- what is that?" she asks confused

"Just listen, dyke" he barks at her and presses play

Jade closes her eyes and clenches her fist. she knows exactly what's about to play.

"Jake" Tori's eyes go wider than the planet

All eyes turn to Jade

"You were right" there's something about her voice... she sounds defeated, broken almost "She left too" Tori's heart breaks "After everything we went through she just left without saying anything" her eyes begin to water and the strength in her body starts to fade "I should never have trusted her, I should have listened to you" Tori closes her eyes, her vision blurry from the tears "I'm sorry I didn't realize it before, Jake" something inside Tori starts to prepare for the worst and deep down she already knows what Jade's about to say "You were the one who loved me after all"

The recording ends and the last drop of hope and will to fight left Tori's body.

The detective stops the video and Jade steps back, tears falling down her face.

"He tricked me.." she realizes "he knew I was desperate enough to do anything, so he made me do the one thing he couldn't..." he eyes go to the floor and she closes them to stop the tears "he made me break her!" she screams and falls to the floor, sobbing

Trina goes to her while the whole room is frozen. Nobody knows what to do or what to say, so they just stay in silence. Trina holds Jade and rubs her hand across her back, whispering soothing words to her ear, trying to calm her down.

"I, uhm" Chloe speaks up after a minute "I'll get this video to forensics and see what they can find" she walks out of the house, but she's suddenly stopped by a hand grabbing her arm. She turns to see Jade, with her eyes red and regret written all over her face

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