When It's All Over

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*Third Person's POV*

*Tori's location*

 She hasn't opened her eyes for a while now, her hands are numb and her entire body is throbbing. But the pain is gone, her brain has gotten used to it so she doesn't feel it anymore, the knife is in the same spot on her leg but the blood is drying already. Inside her mind she only dreams that this has all been some sort of nightmare and she'll wake up safe in her house, with her friends and girlfriend not hating her for something they don't understand. And she wonders many things, she wonders what life would've been if she had taken the bullet all those years ago, she wonders what would've happened if she had said 'I love you' to Jade before all of this, she wonders if Camila managed to warn everybody and call detective Decker, she wonders how the detective's daughter Trixie has been since they last spoke, but most of all, she wonders if she'll ever be able to see the sunlight ever again.

It's not easy seeing her like this... so broken, so tired and in so much pain. No light in her eyes, no shine in her smile and not a single drop of hope in her heart.

She feels abandoned and alone, most of her body is now numb and at this moment she is just waiting for Jake to return and put her out of her misery.

A loud slam of a door snaps Tori out of her transe, and a fuming homophobe enters the room with his hatred and flashlight. The light shines bright on her face, and she closes her eyes in a little bit of pain, sine they had gotten used to the darkness.

"You fucking bitch" he speaks in an ominous low tone "You couldn't keep your mouth shut, could you?"

The pain and the fear cloud her judgment and she can't think anything right now, she only shakes and cries dry tears.

"I- I d-don't k- know what y-you mean.." she babbles and he takes one step closer to her

"I just dropped by Jade's house" Tori's eyes go wide "only to find that she wasn't there" a small sigh of relief slips through Vega's trembling lips "but instead I found two of your silly little friends, snooping around my house" at this moment her stomach is twisting and she begins to sweat "I believe it was Cat? The redhead, and Jade's ex boyfriend.. what was his name? Uh, Beck! That's it, Cat and Beck" he speaks and moves a little closer to her

"What did you do?" her fear turns into anger and concern

He smiles

"Goddammit, what did you do?!" She yells at him and he puts his mouth next to her ear and whispers cold, hateful and angry words, in a tone only someone as mad as him could

"I taught him a lesson"

Tori's eyes fill with tears and she lowers her head, taking deep breaths to avoid crying and giving him the victory he wants so badly.

"Stubborn, I see" he backs away and smirks "I'll be right back.."

She gulps and I swear I can feel her body tensing up and preparing for a beat.

In the midst of all the despair she focuses once again in one face, a specific face with a smile that was giving her the strength to stay alive and deny Jake his victory.

After a few long minutes, the door in front of Tori opens once again and the psycho enters with a disgusting smug on his face

"There's something you should hear" he states and pulls out of his pocket a recording device that is attached to his phone

"Wha- what is that?" she asks confused

"Just listen, dyke" he barks at her and presses play

"Jake" Tori's eyes go wider than the planet "You were right" there's something about her voice... she sounds defeated, broken almost "She left too" Tori's heart breaks "After everything we went through she just left without saying anything" her eyes begin to water and the strength in her body starts to fade "I should never have trusted her, I should have listened to you" Tori closes her eyes, her vision blurry from the tears "I'm sorry I didn't realize it before, Jake" something inside Tori starts to prepare for the worst and deep down she already knows what Jade's about to say "You were the one who loved me after all"

The recording ends and the last drop of hope and will to fight left Tori's body.

"And finally, the face I wanted to see" Jake speaks with a disgusting tone filled with pride and the feeling he's won, and I swear I would kill him if I could.

He places his hand on her chin and lifts her defeated face with a smirk

"I told you so" he whispers and in that second, all the pain, the desperation, the anger and the fear combine into a giant wave of rage, and Tori forgets about the physical pain her body is in, and kicks her legs up, hitting Jake in the face

With the movement Tori is able to reach the knife that still lies in her leg, and cuts the ropes that tied her wrists. Jake is still startled on the floor and as Tori cuts herself free, she nearly collapses

C'mon legs, we don't have time for this 

She gets up and tries to run to the door, but Jake is already up on his feet and grabs her leg, knocking her down. He pins her to the floor, grabs the knife and tries to stab her, but she blocks his strike with her right arm

She holds back a scream that wants to come out as the knife stabs through her arm

"Your pain" he speaks and pushes the knife deeper into her arm "is delicious"

She starts to panic again. He's on top of her and her arm won't hold him back for much longer.

She desperately looks around and sees Jake's recording device, sitting two feet from her reach

Jake sees it and removes the knife from her arm, and you can almost feel the murdering feeling in his eyes. He stares deeply into Tori's eyes and then looks at where her heart is

In a split second she grabs the recorder and smashes it in his face, causing him to fall to the side, landing his leg right on top of the knife

The last thing she hears before getting up is his scream. She bolts up and runs to the door, ignoring the excruciating pain that forces her to limp.

She opens the door and sunlight hits her like a bullet, and the warmth of the sun and the colors of the sunset calm her down, allowing her to fill her heart with hope once again. She looks around in a daze, seeing that she's standing right next to the "Y" in the Hollywood sign, she turns to look back to the tiny room where she was in, probably the place where the control panel of the lights around the sign is.

Just as she turns around a raging, limping, psychotic homophobe races towards her and pushes her

It took split second for her to realize what was going on, and still she had no time to get out of his way, so she started to uncontrollably roll down the hill, hitting bushes, rocks and trees. From the top of the hill, Jake looked at her with joy, feeling victorious.

"I guess I can say I'm vicTORIous" he speaks to himself and laughs at his disgusting pun

After a few seconds Tori's body stopped at the side of a road, and Puckerman went after her to finish what he had started.

Her head was spinning and her whole body was in pain, she could feel the blood dripping from her open wounds and the heat emanating from the asphalt under her was burning her exposed thighs and her palms. After about three seconds she got her head to calm down and stop spinning. As she recovered her senses, the sound of falling rocks and something coming down behind her made her turn around in the blink of an eye. Jake was furious that she was still alive and was rushing towards her, but the stab wound on his leg slowed him down.

Adrenaline and fear rushed through Tori's veins and she got up to run before the murderer coming after her had the chance to finish her off. With an agonizing pain trying to slow her down and make her give up running still present, she stumbled and tripped many times before getting up and Jake used that time to get down the hill. He's standing six feet away from her now and her desperation boosts the adrenaline, and she gets up and runs away from him.

But once again, my sister didn't see the car coming her way...

A/N: Dun Dun Duuuuuun! Nina is the narrator? Whaaaaaat
Also why did Jade say those things? Did Tori just die??!!!

Guys I'm sorry if this is short, I promise the next ones will be longer. I also promise to try and post more often.

Thank you so much for the support, it means the world to me. Love you and see y'all next chapter xoxo

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