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     Your POV
     I was playing in the living room on the carpet playing with my older brother Luke when there were three loud bangs on the door.

     Mom went over to the door and looked out the window but quickly closed the curtains, turning to look at Luke and I.

     "He's here. Luke, take your little sister up to her room." Mom warned. Luke was fifteen and I was only seven, so naturally I was confused. But Like seemed to get the hint.

     He scooped me up into his arms and sprinted to my room. I curled into his shoulder and he looked down at me sadly. Almost as if this were the last time he would see me.

     "What's going on Lukey?" I asked, my voice slightly whinny since it was almost my bed time.

     "I'll explain this to you when you're older. I promise. But I need you to stay in your closet and don't come back until me or mom come and get you, okay?" He asked gently and he placed me gently in my closet. "It's just a game of hide and seek. Okay?" He added and I nodded.

     He smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the head and ran off to where mom was.

     I almost nodded off to sleep when I heard a loud bang coming from downstairs. I quickly jumped to alertness and couldn't help but start tearing up slightly.

     I heard footsteps coming my way and quickly pushed myself as far into the corner as I could.

     Just then the door to the closet swung open and I couldn't help but scream.

     "Shh. Don't worry (Y/N). I won't hurt my own daughter." He assured me. He went to grab me again but I only screamed louder and started crying. I pulled my knees to my chest and pressed my face into them.

     "Wha-at did you d-do to mom and Luk-ke?" I hicked as I looked up to him. His face was a bright red and his cheek bones popped out of his face. On his shirt was something that looked like an octopus.

     "They're just sleeping sweetheart." He said in a heavy accent that sounded like German.

     I was smart beyond my age and was doing highschool level subjects at seven years old, so I could speak several different languages fluently. I was also smart enough to know hey weren't just sleeping.

     "What did you do to my family?" I growled in German. The men around him holding guns all looked shocked, but the man with the red face simply smiled.

     "They won't be able to help you dear." He responded, also speaking German. "But I'm here. I'm your father." He explained as he reached for me. I screamed again, but this time before he could do anything there was a loud thud and he fell to the ground.

     I curled up into a little ball, scared to look up. I felt a hand on my shoulder and creamed out on fear.

     "Hey hey hey. It's okay. We're not here to hurt you." The man assured me. I looked up hesitantly to see a man in a funny costume. It looked kind of like the American flag.

     I looked up to look at his face and saw he had bright blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. He didn't look like the others that had broken in. He looked nice.

     "Are you like the others?" I asked carefully, still curled up in a little ball.

     "Hm. Smart kid." A man behind the funny dressed man muttered. He was wearing a suit made of armour and had something glowing in the middle of his chest.

     "Shut it Stark. Can't you tell the little girl is scared?" Another girl asked. She was wearing a suit made of leather and had short red hair.

     The man in front of me ignored all of them and just focused on me.

     "No. We're not like the others. My names Steve. I need you to answer a few questions for us sweetheart, okay?" He asked me and I nodded. "In English?" He added as he poked me gently in the ribs. I giggled slightly and pushed his hand away.

     I slowly crawled out of my closet and wiped my wet eyes to get the tears out of them.

     "Do you know what happened to your older brother and mom?" He asked. I shifted uncomfortably but nodded. "Do you have any other family?" He asked and I nodded again. "Who?" He asked, his eyes never leaving mine.

     I looked down to the man with the red face and pointed to him.

     "Woah woah woah. Red skull his the kids father?" A man with a bow in his hand asked. "Think they were planning on turning her into another Bucky?" He asked. Steve's grip tightened on the shield that I didn't know he had.

     "Kid, we're going to have to take you to an orphanage. They'll take good care of you there. I promise." He said with a warm smile as he attached his shield to his back and scooped me into his arms.

     I curled up into a little ball again and wrapped my small arms around his neck, falling asleep in his arms. Around him, I felt completely safe.

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