Chapter 7

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     We've been working on the Milano for what only seemed like ten minutes but must've been a few hours. It was getting dark but I just lit some lamps around the work-site so we could all still see. I was absolutely ecstatic getting to catch up with the Guardians and the others could clearly see that I feel.

     I was working in perfect sync with everyone, but I could tell the different groups tended to only work amongst themselves. Some people got to know the other teams better, (Bruce, Wanda, Pietro and Peter) but other than that I was the only one keeping everyone together.

     "Rocket, could ya toss me the-" before I could even complete the sentence Rocket had already tossed me the comphex (A/N Something I made up) wrench that I had needed. "Thanks." I finished and I heard him grunt in what I could only assume was a response.

     After what could only be a few more minutes of working, at most, I finally got sick of the awkward silence. These guys were all usually poking fun at each other and yelled at each other. This was just pathetic.

     "Alright guys, everyone on the ground!" I yelled at everyone. They all did as I asked without question but did give me odd glances. "Okay, I'm getting sick and tired of this silence. It's killing me. You guys all need to get to know each other because I have a feeling that we're all going to be working together a lot in the future." I explained and looked over to Bucky, who knew exactly what I was getting at.

     "Military style? He asked and I winked.

     "Okay, so I'm going to be partnering all you up with someone that is similar in nature or interests. Bucky and I will be setting up an old-fashioned obstacle course and you will be trying to get through it with your team mate. You must use communication and cooperation or else you won't be able to get through it." I explained and I saw Logan smirking slightly. He was in the military as well, he knew exactly what I was doing. "No sabotaging the other teams, no roughhousing with anyone, no fighting, no weapons, and no powers." I explained and a few of them groaned, except for Logan.

     "Challenge accepted Pup." He smirked.

     "Bucky and I won't be taking part in this for three reasons. One, we're setting up the course so we'd have an advantage. Two, if you take the Super Soldier Serum away from us we'd more than likely die and there's no way to take it away. And three, I know all of you extremely well so I'd have another advantage there."

     "So, what's going to happen is I'm going to be setting up an old-fashioned military style obstetrical course." Bucky began explaining. "Once Angel's done assigning the teams she will be joining me in helping. While we are setting up I highly suggest you get to know your partners, seeing as this will be incredibly difficult if you don't. It's the first team to pass the finish line, not the first person. Understood?" He asked and only got a few responses. He looked at me and I simply shrugged, as if to say 'I don't control them'. "Alright, good enough. I'm going to go get some wood to start building with and Angel's going to start on the teams." He then clapped his hand on my shoulder and walked off into the forest again, probably to get the trees that the Guardians knocked down when they were crash landing.

     "Alright, now that that is explained, I already have a few groups in mind. Like I said, you'll be with someone who has similar interests or acts similar. I'm just going off on a limb here, so please don't kill me if you don't like your teams." I joked and got  a few laughs from everyone. "Okay, so let's go with-" I started but was cut off by what sounded suspiciously like Stark's blasters. I groaned and turned around to be face to face with the rest of the Avengers team, some S.H.E.I.L.D agents Stark's repulser beam right in my face. The entire team, even the assassin twins, looked regretful but Stark and Captain seemed to look victorious.

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