Chapter 6

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(A/N) <>Japanese   

  Your POV

     I looked up at Logan and somehow managed a small smile through the splintering of my bones.

     <"Logan,"> I said in Japanese so only him and I would understand. <"You need to calm down."> I advised and he growled slightly.

     <"That idiot is breaking your forearm."> He pointed out and I smiled gently at him.

     <"If you pick a fight here the public would hate mutants even more. Not to mention the fact that we'd have S.H.I.E.L.D all over our asses which is not what we need. I know it's hard for you to stay calm, but you need to or we're all in a hell of a lot of trouble.">

     <"You have no idea how hard it is to stay calm because you could kill everyone with one stroke when you get mad."> He growled slightly and I gave him a small smile.

     "I know exactly what it's like. Not only my powers, but the power stone could kill everyone in a split second if I get angry. Wanda knows what it's like. She could fry everyone's brains. Or Bruce, who's fairly self explanatory. Or Charles who'd completely overpower everyone. Or Thor, who's electricity he has to keep in check. Or Jean, who has to look out for Phoenix. Or Bucky, who could slip back into Winter Soldier mode. Or Loki, who's powers could go haywire. 

     "There's lots of us that understand what it's like Logan. So take a deep breath. Calm down. Okay Logan? Can you do that for me?" I asked him gently, switching to English so everyone could understand me that. He nodded slightly and took in a deep breath. "There. Good. Keep doing that. I've got the situation under control. You, Rogue and Bobby can go back inside. I'll come see you when this is finished. Okay?" I asked him gently. He sighed but nodded, trailing inside with Rogue and Bobby trailing him.

     I quickly stole my arm back from Steve and walked back to the protection of those who were on my side. I noticed Romanoff and Barton look at me slightly sympathetically but I ignored them. They were assassins. They knew exactly how hard it was for me to trust. Especially after everything I've been through. And yet they felt the need to break that extremely fragile trust.

     "We can't trust you. You're just a villain kid." Stark growled and I growled back at him.

     "That scumbag was never my father. My fathers are Ste-" I stopped myself, shook my head and sighed. In the short amount of time I've known Steve, he's already made me think of him as a father. I guess that was all just fake though. A mask to get me to open up to him. "My father is Bucky. My older brother's are Logan, Peter and Quill. Those are the ones that raised me. Not that monster." I growled out lowly. "You think I can choose my parents, you're wrong." 

     "You're a villain. The same one that put Cap under the ice. You expect us to be cool with you walking around freely?" Stark demanded, taking a step closer to me. I mimicked his action until we were chest to chest.

     "Oh yeah Merchant of Death? The man who made weapons that have taken hundreds of thousands of lives. Or how about the Captain? Killing whoever is in his way to get to his goal? And that's the so-called golden boy of America. The man that can do no bad. Oh, how about the two assassins? They have killed many people, you don't seem to have a problem with them? 

     "Ever think of how many people Romanova killed when working for the Red Room? Barton under S.H.I.E.L.D orders? You, with you weapons? Or how about Steve under the military? You personally have triggered the end of the world more times than I can count. And do you know where I've been during all those? I've been fixing your messes while protecting the civilians, which is your job by the way.

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