Chapter 8

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     3rd POV

     There was a loud boom sounding around the empty patch of land. Bucky instantly panicked, seeing Stark make it safely out of the blast zone while his little girl was nowhere to be seen. His eyes widened and he started frantically looking around, calling out her name in hopes that his baby girl was still alive.

     After a few moments everyone else eventually joined in on searching. Even the ones who hated her started helping in the search. After what felt like a lifetime of worry to Bucky, he and Wanda stumbled upon something neither of them expected at all. They stumbled upon a child.

     The poor thing was almost naked, if it hadn't been for the shirt that appeared like a nightgown on her. She was shaking in fear with her back turned to them, her knees tucked into her chest. She was rocking back and forth slowly, whispering something that neither of the ex-HYDRA weapons could hear. They exchanged glances and Wanda walked slowly towards the terrified little girl.

     "Hello sweetheart." She stated softly as she crouched down in front of her. The child whimpered slightly and tried to push herself away from Wanda but she only succeeded in hurting herself since her arms were covered in bruises. Wanda and Bucky exchanged glances, both sympathizing with the girl. "My name is Wanda. What's your name little one?" She asked making the child look up at her.

     "I have a friend named Wanda. She had a brother named Pietro. I used to call them Wand and Pie." She stated quietly. Wanda's eyes widened slightly and she looked at Bucky.

     "I think this is Angel." Wanda communicated to Bucky telepathically.

     "Yeah, me too." Bucky agreed. This definitely reminded him of how she was when she was younger and he wasn't with her. When he was with her she was this bubbly toddler, but whenever he was gone, he knew for a fact that all she did was cower in a corner. He didn't want her raised like that, but that's how it turned out. Even now he knew that's how it was.

     "Sweetie, what's your name?" Wanda asked gently, but the small girl merely shook her head. 

     Wanda's heart broke slightly for the girl that was raised in HYDRA, never given any proper love. Never even got a proper name before she met Bucky. Though Wanda knew there were people who tried to give the girl some innocence, such as herself, Pietro, Bucky and (apparently) Logan, she still felt bad for her.

     "Okay, what's your dad's name?" Wanda asked, looking for one of two answers.

     "He doesn't have a name. But they do call him зимний солдаt." The small girl answered.

     "What does that mean?" Wanda asked her gently. Bucky couldn't help but smile, since he knew exactly what that meant.'

     "Winter Soldier." Both Bucky and the small girl answered. She jumped to her little feet silently and spun around, a huge smile breaking out on her face when she saw who it was.

     "Daddy!" She yelled, the sprinted towards him, jumping into his outstretched arms and cuddling into his neck. Bucky quickly looked at Wanda, confusion clear on his face.

     "Tell the others we've found her." He whispered to the confused teenager. She nodded, still confused as to how Angel was a kid, then turned around to tell the others without startling the poor child.

    While she was doing that, Bucky just looked down at his little Angel, not quite knowing what to think. It was terrible that she was turned into a kid again, but this may be a chance to give her a proper childhood.

A/N I'm so sorry it took so long to update and that this chapter is shorter than others. I've just been busy for a while with summer camp and getting ready for school to start up again. Once I'm back into the swing of things, the chapter publishes will be more frequent

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