Character Description

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Name: Charlotte Elise Fray

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Name: Charlotte Elise Fray

Age: 22

Species: Vampire

Year Turned: 1942

Personality: Sarcastic, Stubborn, Persistent, Fiery, Kind, Respectful, Honorable, Insecure, Intelligent, Responsible, Maternal, Protective, Clever, Witty, Humorous, and Innocent-ish.

Backstory- Charlotte grew up in a home with her older brother Jason, her mother, and her father. Her father was a very controlling man, and wanted to arrange his daughter's marriage himself, to a wealthy and attractive man. Only the very best for his only daughter, he'd say.

Charlotte's mother always felt differently than him, wanting her daughter to be able to choose who she would marry, and to pick someone she loves instead of being arranged to a rich, attractive man. Charlotte adored her mother as much as her mother adored her, but she really didn't like her father, who was always treating her as if she were still a young child.

A few months before her arranged wedding, Charlotte was sitting on the sofa on a cold winter's night, drinking cocoa by the warm fireplace. Charlotte was supposed to be in bed, but she couldn't help but stay up on another sleepless night, seeing as it was hailing out and all she could hear was the hard ice balls hitting against the roof of her home.

She heard a knock at her door, and she wondered who would be out this late at night, and in such a storm! Charlotte hurried to the door, opening it to reveal a beautiful young girl standing there, wounded. She had long wavy brown hair and her eyes and face were covered by a long black hood. She wasn't able to make out any features of the girl. The girl was in a big green dress and she looked very distressed. The girl held out her arm, which had a long vertical cut down it, and she asked Charlotte for help.

Charlotte being the kindly girl she was, invited her in, not realizing that it would be a big mistake. As soon as she was able to enter, the girl shut the door behind her and forcefully poured her blood into Charlotte's mouth, before snapping her neck.

A while after that, Charlotte woke up with her older brother beside her, the two of them covered in blood. She stood, very sensitive to everything around her. Charlotte realized that it was still the middle of the night, maybe about two in the morning at the latest, and her brother was unconscious as well. Charlotte didn't know if he was alive or dead, since she heard no heart but she saw breathing. Then it occurred to her that she could hear things she normally wouldn't, like the squirrels running around outside, and the sound of her own ragged breathing. All of her senses were increased, in fact. Charlotte ran upstairs, but ended up speeding all the way up- like at the speed of light. What was going on? (A/N: yes, she is already a vampire. yes, she transitioned in her sleep. let's just say that the girl who turned her made sure she had no other choice but to be a vampire.)

Charlotte gasped once she reached her parents old wooden door, that was partially open. She had no idea she could run so fast, and as soon as she opened the door, she let out a blood curdling scream. Charlotte heard thunder and lightning outside, making the entire situation worse. As she stared at her parents blood drained, gray, grotesque bodies, she realized the woman who had came in was a vampire, and now she herself was part of the undead.

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