{15} Lexi Comes to Town

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Like any other morning, I was hanging out in my room. I was looking through my phone when I heard voices from downstairs. I got up, changed out of my pajamas, and went downstairs. I was very happy with the sight I saw in front of me. "Lexi!" I called out. She turned to face me with a big smile holding out her arms. I rushed forward and hugged her. I was so happy to see her seeing as I haven't seen her in forever.

"I missed you, Char," Lexi said as we let go of each other.

"I missed you too," I told her.


After Lexi and I had talked for awhile, her, Stefan, and I was sitting in Stefan's room. Stefan was catching her up with stuff that has been going on here. Lexi said something which made Stefan start poking her to get her to say more. Lexi laughed, "Stop. I don't know, some freak shot at me with wooden bullets. I bail in under sixty. And why is a news reporter hunting vampires?"

"That's what I was saying," I stated moving to sit on the bed with them.

"I don't know who knows about us. That guy did. There could be others," Stefan used his elbows to prop himself up more while he said, "Do me a favor, while you're here, please be careful."

Lexi groaned, "Why stay? I'm headed to New York for the weekend. Bon Jovi in the Garden. 'Wanted Dead or Alive', it's our theme song. It'll be a blast." Lexi said trying to tempt us.

"Do you think he would actually remember us? That was a pretty crazy weekend, huh?" Stefan asked.

I laughed, "Crazy would be an understatement." The three of us laughed.

"We can make him remember us. Come on! Let's go. I mean, what's keeping you here?" Lexi questioned.

"It's a girl," I said with a smirk. Lexi turned to me with a smirk matching mine and then she turned to Stefan.

"I told you, her name is Elena." Stefan smiled.

"Let's hope she's better than the last girl you got all sprung over." Lexi held up a picture of Stefan and Damon's ex, Katherine.

Stefan took the picture away from her, "You didn't even know Katherine."

"'Cause if I did I'd kick her ass. Little bitch," Lexi commented making me laugh. The two of them were now standing up as I still sat on the bed. "Speaking of... Where's Damon?" I looked around the room and I was now curious too. Where was he? It's not like him to not be here. Usually, he's trying to get on someone's nerves.

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