{36} Isobel Flemming

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I WAS AT ELENA'S house since I decided to sleepover. Aunt Jenna loves me more than anything, and John is unaware of my status: undead. He knew about Damon and Stefan but somehow was unaware of me. Probably because my last name isn't Salvatore, and because I've been with Elena more than the brothers lately. John actually saw me and smiled at me, which was a little creepier than I expected.

"I'm supposed to help build the Miss Mystic float for the Founders' Day parade," Elena explained, taking her wallet out of her purse as she unzipped it. "If I don't, I get the wrath of Caroline. But I wanted to check in first," Elena said to Damon.

"Well, I'm doing great, thanks for asking," Damon said cockily.

"Checking on Stefan," Elena said with a playful smile, "Charlotte was worried too."

"Oh, him? Oh, he's...he's terrible," Damon said solemnly, fooling the both of us.

"What's the matter?" Elena asked as I asked, "What did you do?" Damon murdered my history teacher thinking he'd stay dead. He murdered Zach. It's no secret that Damon isn't one for holding back.

"He's just back to boring, straight-laced, off the junk. You've successfully cured him of anything that was interesting about his personality," Damon joked.

"Don't forget who helped me," Elena pointed out.

"I hate myself," Damon replied, "Hey, did Uncle John mention anything to you two about my field trip with the history teacher?"

"No. I'm still been avoiding him, so Charlotte has to too. Why? What's he up to?" Elena asked him.

"I don't know. But I'd love if you could find out for me," Damon said. "How's the Gilbert's place, Charlotte? Miss me yet?" Damon asked, obviously just then remembering that I was there.

"Not in a million years, Damon," I said with a grin at Elena, who cheekily grinned back and gave me a look. She's been wanting Damon and me to get together since she met Stefan and me and got with Stefan. She thinks I can be his redemption or something like that. I don't know if that's possible. "Jenna loves me, so does John Gilbert. I think I've found my new family," I joked, "I'll be moved out in an hour."

Elena chuckled, "I don't object. But hey, Damon, we've got to go. We're late."

"Have fun with the Mystic queen, I know I did," Damon cheekily said, causing me to chuckle and Elena to sort of chuckle-scoff, before hanging up. We walked out to her red car.


I was sitting in the cafeteria with Matt and Tyler, along with some girls I'd never met. Tyler has been shamelessly flirting with me since the night of the comet when I completely shut him down. But the boy is persistent, I'll give him that. Alaric approached the table, surprised to see me not with Stefan or Elena since they were my best friends.

They were being a little too mushy and intimate for my liking when they saw each other, so I walked off and met up with Matt, who likes me pretty okay. Then we sat down and Tyler and his entourage of women came and sat down too. He'd been making moves the whole time, trying to wrap his arm around me (pretended like he was yawning when I turned him down), tried to touch my thigh, etc.

"So these are the specs for the History department. For the Founders' Day float we'll be recreating the battle of Willow Creek. Tyler has been nominated at the head of the production design," Ric explained.

"By whom?" Tyler asked, looking up at Alaric. Tyler wasn't unattractive. Especially in that purple button-down shirt. But jerks weren't really my type, you know?

"By me. I've seen your sketches and they're good," Alaric commented.

"I'm not really into the..." Tyler started, and Alaric cut him off.

"Well, you just pick your team, be creative, and..." Alaric trailed off, looking at Stefan and Elena. "Don't screw up." He motioned for me to go with him as he turned and started to walk towards them.

"Bye guys," I said to them with a smile, waving. Tyler yelled something along the lines of "Bye, baby" and I just rolled my eyes as I walked off behind him.

"Hey, Mr. Saltzman. Charlotte? What's going on?" Elena asked as she walked with Stefan.

"Come with me. We need to talk," Alaric said, as he continued to walk. I followed behind him but in front of Elena and Stefan. I didn't want to see their lovey-doveyness all the time, especially since I'm super, super single. They've been holding hands this whole time, and it's disgusting.


Damon walked in, acting all badass as usual. I had to admit, it was sort of attractive. But again, I'm not really into jerks. Especially not killer jerks. Alaric spoke when he walked in, "Damon, thanks for coming." What was Ric up to..?

"Sorry, I'm late. My dog ate my, uh... Never mind," Damon tried to joke, as he looked at Stefan, Elena, and I. All of three of us were more than confused, but we didn't want to say anything.

"What's with all the furrowed brows?" Damon questioned, looking at us and to Alaric.

"I saw Isobel last night," Alaric explained simply.

"Isobel is here?" Damon asked Alaric, as he nodded, "In town?" Alaric gave him a look that signaled a yes, and he turned to Elena and looked at her.


Elena was sitting alone at a table, while I was hanging by the pool table. She wanted me there so she wasn't alone, and she asked me first. I felt sort of special after she said she hadn't asked Stefan yet. She asked Stefan, but Stefan didn't know how well that would work out if John knew he was a vampire.

"Can you hear me?" Elena asked me, looking up towards where I was. I smiled and nodded, and she smiled back. "Thanks for coming, I'm nervous," Elena replied, and I smiled and nodded understandingly. I played with the pool stick, and span some balls on the table out of boredom as I kept listening, "I'm happy that you're here. I love you, Char. You're the sister I've never had."

I nodded with a smile, mouthing back, "I love you too, Elena." She and I were quickly becoming close, a lot closer than her and Stefan. And certainly closer than her and Damon. I may even venture as to say closer than her, Bonnie, and Caroline. All of the friends are sort of splitting apart right now. Elena and I are the only ones lasting. I watched Isobel arrive and sit down with her, so I began to play pool with myself, tuning them out completely, only turning to look every few shots to make sure Elena was alright.

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