IX: Kyuu

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Emi had not lied in her letter when she said it was a small village. One dirt path lined with buildings is all that we see to call a village. Rika does not even bother to ride closer; instead she directs her horse to continue east, more towards a thick stand of trees.

Sakura sits behind me, head resting on my shoulder and hands pressed flat against my stomach. After nights terrors had caused her to flee from the tent that first night, she seems unable to let me out of her sight for longer than a few minutes.

Even now, if I look towards her neck, I can see the fading bruises from Hikaru's hands. Other than a few hoarse denials, she still has not told us what happened that night or what she told Shogun Fujioka about it. When I think back now, all I can see in my mind is the stark relief in her eyes after hearing the shinobi was dead.

Rika's shout, so unlike her, startles me out of my reminiscing, and I look towards her in time to see her leaping off her horse. With the extra fabric of her kimono bundled in her clenched fists, she runs towards a figure that I recognize as Tadashi.

Sakura lazily lifts her head to see what is going on before returning it to my shoulder with a low sigh. "Tadashi," she whispers near my ear, the only word she utters. One hand reaches for mine, and I gently take it, marveling once again at the transformation that has occurred since the beginning of our journey.

"Ryuu," Tadashi says politely when we finally reach the couple. Rika is clinging to his arm, eyes shining with unrestrained emotion. "We were wondering when you were going to arrive."

He is dressed in sweat-stained clothes, a katana resting against his left hip. His fingers are running up and down Rika's back as if to reassure himself that she is actually there.

I undo the reins of our third horse, the one that everyone would recognize as Lord Amachi Junichi's mount, and hold them out to him. Tadashi stares at them for a moment before raising his gaze to Sakura.

"Are you sure?" He asks, releasing Rika and stepping closer. "This cannot be undone, Jun, once we take this step."

I feel her squeeze my hand gently before dismounting. "I believe that the Amachi clan shall be in capable hands, and I believe that I am weary of masquerading as someone that I have never truly been. I am ready for the past to remain there and for my future to begin."

Tadashi bows deeply to her. "I am honored, milady. I only pray that I live up to the name and sword that I am taking up."

With those words, he takes the reins from my hands and helps Rika onto the horse. Sakura mounts Rika's abandoned horse, who is grazing nearby. She gives me a hint of a smile before following after the other two.

"Yamane Osamu!" Tadashi calls as we approach a small house hidden behind the screen of trees. "The others have arrived!"

A man stands up from the chair he was rocking in, taking up a stick as he does so. Carefully he makes his way down to stand in front of the steps, a smile tugging at his lips.

At first, I believe that his hair is entirely gray, but as I dismount, I can see that it is actually a light yellow shade shot through with silver. He politely bows before turning his head towards where Tadashi is helping Rika down.

"Did you know they were coming, Junichi?" He asks, eyes not quite focusing on where Tadashi is standing. A web of faint scars spread from temple to temple, and I realize that he cannot see any of us.

"Father!" A female voice cuts in, and a young woman flies out of the house. "Why did you not call for me? You know that you should not step foot beyond the house without someone else."

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