Chapter 1: The beginning

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"An empty city is what is seen from a bird's eye view, but despite the fact that no living body is there to wander during night time, this city is none the ordinary. My name is Ana. I'm 17 years old and already out of school. Wonder why? It's quite simple really. If you live here for at least 2 minutes, you'll find out. The pests in an average city or town are usually robbers, thugs, criminals, or corrupted governs. Here, it's totally different. Here, it's the hardest pest to get rid of. Here, our pests are zombies."

Ana put down her journal on her lap as she brushed a young girl's hair from the side of her head. She looked at the door, with a calendar hung beside it. It was the 18th of April in the year 2015. It had already been 6 weeks since the outbreak. She was losing hope. To her luck, the virus first spreaded from the most urban city in the state, to where she lived. Too many people. Too many zombies.

"Ana?" A soft voice interrupted her train of thought. Ana looked down to the girl with short brown hair, gently resting on her shoulder. "What is it, Chel?" In a slow, unsteady move, the girl sat up and shifted to her own weight. "Do you think I'll be okay?" The girl didn't forget. Chelsea, Ana's youngest sister, didn't have much time. She was bitten. Their time together is about to come to an end. But they couldn't bare to be apart.

"Y-yes, Chel. You'll be fine. We'll both be fine." Ana weeped, contineously brushing her sister's hair, hugging her softly. The girl wasn't that gullible. Chelsea saw right through. "Oh god." The youthful brunnette stuttered. They cried the night away in their way of saying 'goodbye'. They didn't move, still locked unto each other. Ana felt her sister's skin get warmer and warmer, then suddenly felt cold as it was no more than a body. She stopped her tears and let go. She stared at Chel's face, so lifeless and pale. And it all didn't matter anymore.

The brunnete grabbed the glock next to her, with anger and sorrow.

She went out the door, hoping she's never see dear Chelsea become what had costed her, her life. Ana ran down the apartment, not caring how much noise she makes. The minute she got out of the door, all her rage overwhelmed her used-to-be 'will to survive'. "You monsters! You killed her! Come here and show your faces!" She screamed her heart out. One by one, they limped to catch their prey. The zombies moaned as they approached Ana. Their signature moan. Their signature way to piss off a human being. Ana shot one, then another. She continued until they stopped coming, which was never.

As one dies, another takes his place. Ana fired again, but no bullet was shot. It did nothing but 'click', 'click', 'click'. She was out of bullets and surrounded. Though not a hint of fear struck her. She leaned on the wall behind her, restless, giving up. She laughed at herself and thinking. "I'm sorry, Chel. I tried to avenge you." She whispered.

She's been sitting there for 5 seconds, eyes closed. She didn't want to see her demise, yet all the same, didn't care.

She felt a cold hand on her shoulder. A zombie about to feed. Ana bowed her head, just waiting. "BANG!" A gun shot caught the girl off guard. "BANG!", "BANG!", "BANG!" Three more of the creatures flopped to the ground. Ana looked around. She was trying so hard to spot where it came from. She saw none. "Damn." Someone swore. "Don't just sit there, idiot! MOVE!" Ana looked up. There was someone on the rooftop, just across the street. Someone saving her. "BANG!" Another shot was launched, picking off the last ones. "Triple Kill!" The voice laughed. Seeing Ana's scared face, the voice from above, stood. It was a girl.

"Stay there." The mysterious lady commanded.

Ana wouldn't leave even if she wanted. She was in shock. Nearly paralyzed. It took a couple of seconds before the girl could get to where she is. Ana analyzed her, from her black, curly hair to her brown leather boots. "You alright?" The girl put a sniper to her side. Noone spoke. One was too afraid as one just waited to be answered. "W-w-who are you?" A finger she pointed as her entire body was shaking. "Aw come on, I'm not as monzerous as those zombies, so why be afraid?" The girl was cut off by her own mistake. "Monsterous. Mon-ste-rous." The brown-eyed female repeated, tapping her head with her fist. She was stuttering. Judging by her slang accent, despite being nearly fluent, she was clearly not from there. On top of it all, every inch of her body from the neck down was covered in thick clothing. She's definitely not from there. If she was, she wouldn't be freezing.

Though unloaded, Ana waved the glock at the girl. "I repeat, WHO. ARE. YOU?" Her voice shown less fear. A glare covered as a response. The girl covered in black grabbed the glock, and put it on her belt, alongside several other weapons. "I'M the one who saved you from being brunch, amiga ." The girl said sacastically. Basically, Ana knew the 'assassin' was not spanish. She spoke too soft. "My friends call me 'V'. Easy to remember, right? It's not really my name but it grew on me so, blah!" A single letter was used to express her identity, yet it was not enough.

"And who might you be?" V shifted her weight to one hip.


"Ah. I see. Nice to meet you, miss Ana." She gave her limited respect.

With no other word spoken, V left and headed to the other street. "Hey! Where are you going?!" Ana chased after the girl who appeared to be the same age as she was. "I'm going to meet up with my partner." V didn't look back. Ana hesitated but a strain of words burst from her. "Can I come with you?" V stopped halfway. The armed girl took a step to the side to give out a sign that she was still listening. V looked at her new companion, avoiding eye contact. "I dunno.... Can you?" She joked. "Uhm, May I come with you?" Ana corrected herself to reassure her safety.

"Are you bitten?" Ana inspected herself. "No." V glanced at her eyes. "Any zombie blood came in contact?" She asked again, being answered with another 'no'. "Well, okey dokey, karaoke. Come on~" The brunette immediately followed, in disbelief.

The walk was long and boring. Ana could feel her kness fall apart, she gasped her breath and flopped to the ground. She panted for a while, and to her surprise, her own glock was being pointed at her head. "H-hey! I'm not bitten. I'm just tired." V put the weapon back to where she kept it in the first place, giving out a big sigh. They must keep moving. "Look, man. Someone is waiting for me and I won't jeopardize everything just because you're being whiney." V's true colors have shown. She was a natural leader, as seen in her eyes that she was dead serious. Her survival skills in the same level as her concern. Ana was hypnotized to keep walking, and walking. She watched as V's focus was at their peek, taking notice to every clatter she hears, every scene that seems wrong. But they just kept on walking.

As of 20 minutes of Ana's mental rant, she bumped into V's sniper rifle. The girl had stopped. "Why?" Ana whispered. V wasn't moving, nor talking. She was even hiding her heavy breathing, she too was tired. V looked around, both ways and back. "I-...." V chuckled. "What?" V looked down, scratching her head. "Remember when I said you were whiney?" Ana raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, why?" V laughed at her response, waving whatever was in her hand to which we know of as a rusty saw. "Weeeell, it's my turn. I'm very forgetful. Which way is the statue?" Ana was surprised. V lost her way. "Uhm, left." She pointed to a street.

V's smile faded, and yet again, she was silent. She crouched down halfway and gave her companion back her weapon. Both girls were alarmed as a moan echoed to where they stood. They couldn't tell where it was from or how far it was. V pushed her weight on Ana's back as she did the same. They were too tired. Even if they ran, they'd just bring more attention to themselves as the salve slid down their faces. Besides, one zombie. How hard can it be?

Ana pinched the tanned girl's backside, mouthing words she can't explain. V looked to her direction as a zombie, almost mummified in looks, limped. It was much faster than most, its legs were somewhat still in-tact. It's arms, on the other hand...

"Take him out! Take him out!" Ana cried in vain. "Ssh!" She was being jumped at, she can't do anything but panic. "This is why I hate whiney people." She whispered. V was still in shock on how fast it was. He looked as if he could walk in the same speed as a human, but more swaying that slowed him down. V weilded the saw though it did no effect, so she let it go skin-deep on his neck and gave a powerful kick that made it lose all balance and fall down. The deed was not done. The undead man cannot stand but still bites ramphant even so that nothing can be bitten. "Take the shot." V looked back at Ana, expecting her to shoot like she did before. And she did. At the same time, she had proven herself that she wasn't overall that helpless.

"Hmph. Grabe ang galit nito." Ana blinked in confusion. "What?" V laughed and threw her arm in Ana's shoulder. "I don't know what you've been through here in this friggin' cold environment, but all your rage can tell it all. You'll need that hate." V ejected herself from clinging unto the girl, started to walk away toward the way of the Statue of Liberty. Though that wasn't her route. "Come on, mcduffy. Before we lose him again." The girl in black rushed the brunnette.

"Uhm, if you don't mind me asking, V. But... who is your partner?"

V chuckled, and looked back with a warm smile. "You'll see..."

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