Chapter 9: Feast

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"Don't stop. Keep moving. Just keeping moving." The thought had fluttered to everyone's minds. The group of survivors hurrily dragged their feet to go further in order to keep surviving. The scenerio so far isn't a good one. 

             The night is still upon them, they are shelterless, one was handicapped by the previous encounter of a human lunatic and the undead is always just one slip away. "Damn." V swore. "I need a rest." The girl in black, who was barely noticable in the dark, collapsed on her knees and put down her high caliber rifle.

"I told you that that sniper of yours weighs you down like crazy." Dan assisted. "I've been training myself to go to the military and pushing cars all my life. Trust me, I can handle it. I'm just low." V grunted. They all were breathing heavily, panting to be exact. They've been running and running. Running from the alarm. Running from the undead. Running from death itself.

The tripped alarm was faint. Andrew and Marcy barely noticed how far they had ran despite what the two had been through. But one was missing. 

"Let's see. One, two, three, fo-" V stopped counting. "Wait. Where's Ana?" They just noticed. "Oh no, where is she?" Dan looked around, searching the streets without actually leaving the group. "Where is she? Where did that girl go?"  Dan asked yet again, catching everyone's attention. "Over here!" A brunnette whispered, suddenly covered Dan's mouth and made him jump in surprise. "Oh, right. Zombies." V rolled her eyes.

          Ana lead the group to a parking lot, just on the next street. Sadly, there's no shelter nor a car in which they could hide for the night. So they're only chance is the supermarket store, aside from the wide open road.

"This is dangerous." Marcy whispered. "Yeah,  but it's all we got." Her mate replied.

Dan slowly opened the glass door, it was clear. And well-lit despite having no lights in the night. "Perfect. We were running out of food, anyway." He took a couple off the shelves and stuffed them in his backpack. It's food! Food is light. Most of them. "V, help me with this."

         The two leaders picked up a few products and another bag to stuff them in. It'll keep them going for a long time. And by that, until they can move forward to Miami.

While the armed put down their weapons, the others rested on the ceramic floor. Ana brought out her journal yet again and began to write. "What's with the notebook?" Andrew asked. "It used to be my diary. But I tore the pages and made a new chapter. Now, it's my survival log." Ana smiled. "You shouldn't have torn the rest. You'll miss the ordinary life."

        "I learned to live with it." She bowed her head.

Meanwhile, Dan was over-packed. "Great, we'll be good to go in the morning." V smiled lightly and offered her fist a few inches from Dan's chest, then he placed his knuckles on hers. V looked around the supermarket, doing another head count.

       "How about a NORMAL meal for once?" V walked casually down the aisle, letting her rifle do the wiggling. She grabbed 5 eggs, a jar of mayo, cooking oil and a pan and spatula that was on sale. "Andrew, can you please lock the doors?" She asked sincerely. He did just that.

With the use of the counter they use to make the free samples, V placed the pan on the stove. She turned the flame on and let it heat. "You cook? Since when?" Marcy laughed. V just smiled. She mixed the mayo with the egg and beat it with a fork. After the pan was hot enough, the Filipino put oil on the pan and began to do the cooking.

     "Do you guys eat rice here?" She asked. "Not occasionally." Ana looked at a sack of rice grains. "Do you?" The brunnete asked back. "Yeah, I do." V put down the utensils, and placed the cooked eggs on a plate, then she ran to get some rice.

The rest watched as she moved to provide sustainance and decided to do the same. Bread, juice and few side dishes they had not already packed, place in the same counter for them to begin. "Wait." V demanded. "Wait for me." 

              V took a margarine and put it in the mixture of the boiling water where the rice is being cooked. It took only 5 minutes for it to be served.

The delight of having them eat like the days before the virus had spread gave them such joy. How they missed it. How they missed it all...

"Alright. Bed time." Dan announced. It was 1:15 am. Being well-fed easily put them to slumber. "My shift, I think." V nodded to Dan. The group slept soundly, even though they slept on the cold floor. The moans from the outside might have spooked them, though it didn't last. They were safe until the moon was gone.

"CRASH!" Something grabbed her attention.

The others were still asleep since the thuds were distant. But V was pretty sure, it was from the inside. "Dan." V looked on. The black haired-girl constantly shaked her partner. But he was too tired. "Dan!" He finally woke. "What?" He slowly sat up. Not a second more, he was speechless.

      There was a zombie, just at the end of the aisle. A few inches from where they are. And not just one, but three to five. V looked at the other direction. Same situation.

"Ana, Marcy, Andrew." Dan called out. As they rose, they gasped for air and was about to scream when the leaders stopped them. The undead were in the same uniform. They must have been workers in the very supermarket. "Shit." V swore in a muffled scream. "We forgot to check the back.", "Too late for that now." Andrew picked up Marcy.

The risen dead were slowly approaching them, one by one. Every second they lose, they're getting more surrounded. "Alright. Everybody armed?" Dan twitched. "No." Andrew backed away with Marcy. "I'm not either." V pouted. 

"What?! Where's the knife you took?" Dan asked with genuine concern and was freaking out. Her sniper was not counted. "I forgot where I put it here in this place." She argued.

"No time to be arguing, you two lovebirds." Andrew shouted, making both Dan and V red in denial. "They're coming." He continued. V grabbed a candy from the shelf beside her and ate it. The group were confused but she had her reasons. After that, she borrowed Dan's machete as he worked on his crossbow.

V slashed the zombies like dogs, while keeping her distance for her not to be bitten again. She did so with ease and rage in her eyes. Dan didn't get to do meelee as he shoots them with arrows. Not even letting them get near. Ana, on the other hand, was thinking of a plan. A whole darn supermarket couldn't have only 10 workers. It didn't help with her shooting.

       "RUN!" They took the first chance they have on escaping. Besides, it was to be morning.

They ran for the exit. Continuing to dispose of the zombies that got in their way. Dan was leading, while everyone else followed. "Why do zombies hate us?" V joked. "Because we hate them!" Ana was following her pace then her journal fell out of her pocket. Memories of her beloved sister sitting on the first page was smothered by the undead.

     Seeing how sad Ana is, V stopped her trail, went back and slashed the decomposing herd, grabbed the journal, leaving with a lot of 'almost's. She wasn't left behind because of the time Dan took to unlock the door. Yet all the same, it was all too risky.

Everyone was waiting for her on the other side. Her clothes were wet with all the deep red. "Here you go." V handed Ana her journal, only to recieve a slap from the brunnette.

"Why did you go back?! You could have been slaughtered!" Ana screamed. They're safe for the moment, anyway. "I like taking risks. I'm just that crazy when I eat sugar!" V answered. "Besides, the blood brings variety to my suit." She laughed.

On the way to extinction (Discontinued, will be rebooted)Where stories live. Discover now