Chapter 18: Marcy exits the stage

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"What are you doing?" Lorra gazed upon the trio as she was about to serve dinner.

Ana looked worried as the two others looked tired and confused.

"Uh, research." Andrew said.

The atmosphere changed and hesitation and betrayal filled the summer air.

"Well, hurry along, children. I got some appetizers before the main course."

The feel of their survival was purposely thrown out the window.

"Lorra, what's in this room?" Asked Anna.

Suddenly, they felt it wasn't so safe after all.

"Our grand daughter." Lorra glared.

            "Thrancine, was it?" Dan raised an eyebrow.

                        "Yes." She answered, sheepishly.

The three survivalists suspiciously walked towards the dining room table, where they were suppose to have dinner. Though they didn't. They did not take a bite, disregarding their hunger.

"Well, after dinner, I guess we could-" Lorra stopped as she saw Dan and Andrew passing codes with their eyes. "-Why aren't y'all eating?"

Ana scrambled her thoughts for an excuse but Dan beat her to it. "We're still full."

Just at that moment, Andrew's stomach grumbled, making both Dan and Ana stare at him. "...Sorry."

Lorra chuckled a bit and tapped Kenny's shoulder, who just arrived from another room, hands bloody but faint like he tried to wash it off and clothes proof of struggle. "Kenny, dear, help me take the main course out of the oven."

               The blood on his hands certainly got the group going. Something was up.

As the couple departed to the next room, the three tried to pick the lock. Dan was able to do so with one of his arrows. The wooden door creeked open and what they saw didn't look too pretty.

Blood was splattered on the floor, constantly dripping from a platform with a blanket covering what seemed to be the body. Was it a zombie? ... No... The blood looked very much alive to be a zombie's. No, it was human. 

                       There was another platform in that room. Soft and firm all the same. It was somewhat like a bed. And another body was lying on it.

"THOSE BASTARDS!!!"  Andrew suddenly screamed. The blanket was on his hands in a tight grip and his eyes were shedding tears. Ana covered her mouth and fell to her knees, also about to cry.

The body on the platform was Marcy, both legs gone as did an arm. She was still breathing but barely. There was a bottle of pain killers right above her, that must be the reason she was still alive, though it can't keep it that way forever. 

 "Marcy... I'm so sorry...." Andrew sobbed, near her.

The red-head blinked. "A-andrew...." She whispered. "M-m-marcy..."

"Don't..." Her voice was fading. "" Her eyes growing heavier. "....the steak..."

           Dan spotted what they used on Marcy to get her limbs. Of all the things.... It was his machete. The one in V's posession when they got seperated. He turned to the other body and prepared for the worst. The young man wiped away his tears as approached the bed. There was another bottle of medicine beside her. Thankfully, they weren't also pain killers, but sleeping pills.

The brown-haired teen pushed away the hair covering her face to see if his hunch was right.

He was.

It was V, wearing one of Thrancine's clothing to trick her into claiming she is who had already been deceased. "What are you doing in here?!" Kenny and Lorra was standing in the doorway.

"What the hell did you do to Marcy?!" The man with raven hair almost attacked but was stopped by Ana, giving him a sign that they weren't anything what they expected the couple to be. They were monsters. "She had an accident. In the kitchen. With her injury, she wasn't much help. That's what the pain killers are for, see?"

Andrew shook his head and continued to mourn, not knowing in which to believe in.

"Were you gonna make us eat her?" Dan spoke timidly. "Just like what you did to your grand daughter?"

Hearts beat in sync, gradually going faster each word spoken.

"Thrancine is RIGHT there." Lorra cried, carrying a platter of medium-rare steak.

Moans are heard, together with the snapping of the traps.

"Yeah, and I think we grew a liking to her." Dan said, carrying V as she was still under the influence of the sleeping pills, unaware of the things around her. 

Andrew hurriedly took  Dan's machete and broke the window, making that their escape route. "Kenny! They took Thrancine!"

"No shit, Lorra."

Kenny blasted his shotgun right after the group, which only seemed to attract more of the undead in their doorstep. All the traps have been used, the zombies were clawing at their front, and soon after, broke in. All they heard left were shrill screams and moans unlimited.

            Dan, Ana and Andrew escaped together,alongside V back in the team, going to the woods in the spark of night. As dangerous as it was, their paths were actually cleared.

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