Chapter 17: A bit of mystery

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That night, the couple served leftover pasta to the survivors. They were torn in mixed emotions, between satisfaction and burden. It was only a matter of time before they will be forced to move on to the next city without the Asian raven.

                       "It's time to sleep." Dan announced.

As usual, the young men stayed in one group as the ladies stayed in another. Midnight that night, Ana was awakened by a terrifying snapping sound. The brunette quickly stood on her feet and looked out the cabin window to see an infected struggling to escape the bear trap it had stepped on. "Sorry, Mr. Dead." She laughed.

She was about to go back to bed when she overheard mumbling in the living room.

"But, what about these memories?"

"You're recovering from a coma, Thrancine. Those things you saw were dreams."

"But I know what's happening! We're in a zombie apocalypse! I'm a survivor." The voice argued.

"Yes, dear, we all are. But we never left this house."

There was a moment of silence. "Take your pills and go back to your room, sweetie."

After the spoken words, all that was heard was a closing of a wooden door and footsteps heading to another room. Out of curiosity, Ana peeked outside the frame. "Hello?" She said. The elderly couple was alarmed. "Who was that?" The brunette asked in a concerned tone.

"That was just our grand daughter, having her problems. Go back to sleep."

The moon sets and the sun began to rise. The group woke early to re-try looking for their lost comrade.

During the day, Kenny helped the group search for V, while hunting for animals they can consume along the way.

During the night, they retreat to the log cabin and watch the zombies do searching of their own.

"Kenny, dear. Where's your catch?" His wife gave a frustrated sigh. "Nothing." Kenny grumpily threw his shotgun to the ground that gave a loud thudding sound.

"Oh, i-it's alright, Kenny. We'll have..." Lorra paused. "Whatever's lying around." She glanced.

"Marcy, you want to help?" Lorra smiled.

"Sure!" The red-head giggled.

"Dan, why don't you check if it's still safe around the house?' Kenny sat down to rest. Dan did what was asked. Andrew shortly followed. Meanwhile, Ana was scribbling on her diary. A lot was to be written. She closed her diary and put it back to where she keeps it, sighing. "I hate it when I'm alone like this." Kenny just stared at her and replied; "I have to take a piss." Then left.

Ana stared at the ceiling, then the bookshelf, then the fireplace. What's that? The brunette paced herself to see a bottle. It was sleeping pills. "Why would they need these?" She thought. Ana made her way back to the bookshelf, spotting a family album.

There was Kenny, Lorra and...another girl....

This must be Thrancine.

She had long black hair and was wearing a blue dress.

She must be somewhere between 16-19.



Ana ran to the backyard, as it was fenced and heavily guarded by traps. The young lady spotted Dan who doesn't know whether to laugh or panic, breathing heavily as if he wanted to blurt out a sound he cannot produce. There was also the zombie that got trapped the previous night. As much as it can barely move, it was pulling down Andrew's trousers.

"Not funny! Get it off me! It's pulling down my pants! Dude! Help!"

Dan finally resolved to kill the zombie. Andrew took a step back and fell down a ditch. His eyes widened for a moment as screamed again. There was a body. 

                             Not really a body, either. Its limbs weren't there. It was just a torso and a head.

Ana gazed upon the corpse and gasped. "That's Thrancine!" She whispered. "Who?" Dan asked.

"Kenny and Lorra's grand daughter. They were talking just last night. What happened here?!"

"Impossible." Andrew paused. "Its almost falling apart. I'd say it's been dead for at least 5 days."

"But who was Kenny and Lorra talking to?" Ana began to wonder.

The three ran back inside to think. Zombies were following them as they speak.

                   Moans. They were echoing through the woods. It is a sign the plague was on their trail.

"The one they were speaking to went to that room, I think." Ana pointed to the end of the hall. Andrew stealthily ran to the door... Locked. Go figure. There were leaves and grass stains on the door rug. Whatever was in there was from the outside. It could be anything.

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