Chapter 6: Liar

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"Out of gas," Dan said as he kicked the car. They were right on New Jersey's border, and now had to continue moving south on foot.

     The survivors trekked on, stopping every hour for a few minutes to take a break. The couple they had picked up earlier added a bit more variety to the group, but they only seemed to talk about each other. Eventually the sun set and night was upon them.

"Welcome to guard duty," Dan said to Andrew.

"Why exactly do I have to do this?" Andrew asked. "I don't even have a weapon."

"You don't need a weapon. You just need to wake us up if you hear any moaning." 

     The moan was one of the undead's few, but effective, weapons agains humanity. While not causing any physical harm to the living, imagine being able to block out the zombies, but not the moan. Hearing only the moan day in and day out. No other humans, no music, no radio, just the undead chorus clawing at your front door.

"Also, I think it might be best if you keep from Marcy for now," Dan added.

"Why? What's wrong with Marcy?" Andrew asked.

"I just don't want you in the same sleeping bag together is all, because A; you'll probably get really noisy and attract lots of zombies, and B; what if she gets pregnant? You think it used to be tough to be and unmarried couple with a kid? Look around. Do you wanna bring a child into this?"


"Then we agree with each other."

    Hours passed, with the two men keeping silent and watching. Being human, Andrew got bored, and decided to ask a rather personal question.

"So what's with you and V?" he asked.

"Excuse me?" Dan asked back.

"You've been hanging out for months. A man, a woman, and a rifle. Don't try and tell me you never-"

"No, I haven't," Dan interrupted, his face now bright red. "Unless you're implying that I fell in love with her rifle, I suggest you shut your face."

"Are you sure? She's cute, but she has the whole 'really freaking angry' thing working against her."

"I've never had to worry about that. I start talking and she starts laughing uncontrollably."

"Girls like funny guys, dude. How do you think I got Marcy?"

"Not your charm or physical superiority, I'm guessing."

"If you ever do get your feelings staight, and you survive this whole thing, you should ask her out or something."

"Are you ever going to quit? I have no gigantic fluffy feelings for V, alright? Go to bed. I'll handle the rest of the night."

     Andrew walked away feeling victorious. Dan is a good shot, guard, survivalist, and friend, but he's a dirty, dirty liar.

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