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Before I get to the lunch room, I go and find Roni. She texted me and told me she forgot where the cafeteria was which is typical Veronica because she's always forgeting something. When we make it back to the cafeteria, everyone else is already there.

"Hi. I'm Ava, it's nice to meet you." She greets Veronica.

"Nice to meet you too."

Lucy and Remi were deep in conversation until I interrupted them.

"Guys, this is my cousin. I told you about her earlier, remember?" I try to jog their memories but the blank looks on their faces doesn't help.

"This is Veronica, she's from California." Arthurs tells them.

Lucy and Remi say hi to my cousin simultaneously. They don't seem to care that the rest of us are at the table with them. They do shoot Arthur a weird look because he was sitting with us but other than that, we don't exist in their world.

Ava and I give each other a look and I know exactly what it meant. We were definitely going to have a conversation about this later.

Roni tells me about how her day went so far and I am extremely happy that she is happy. During the conversation I couldn't help but notice Reese walking past our table. While she was talking to her friend, she didn't see the boy in front of her and they accidentally bump shoulders. She apologizes and giggles and I can't help but smile. Her laugh is very contagious so I guess anyone would smile when they heard it, right?

Apparently not because Veronica was staring at me the whole time and she didn't seem amused. I quickly continue our conversation but I notice Veronica's facial expression has changed. She's now giving me a slick half smile like she has something to say.

Ava fills her in on the talent show and my dance.

"Cool, am I invited?" Roni looks at me.

"Of course. I would be sad if you weren't there, no matter how nervous I may be." I smile.

Lucy and Remi leave before the bell rings and that pushed Ava over the top.

"Okay, what is up with them? Ever since last week it's like it's been them two against the world. I thought they were our best friends..." She trails off.

I shrug my shoulder because I have nothing more to say about it at this moment. Going from class to class makes me want to lay in my bed even more. I am on the verge of falling asleep which never usually happens but it's something about this day that makes me wish it would go by faster.

I chose to take a day off from working on my dance. After school, Veronica and I go straight home. I assume she was equally as tired as I was and was ready to get some sleep.

In the house no one is home except us. I'm sitting on my bed with the door open when Roni walks in.

She's just standing there, smiling at me.

"What?" Half of me wants to know why she's standing there but the other half doesn't.

"Oh nothing, I'm just wondering how long my cousin has had a crush on a girl." She looks me directly in the eye.

My heart stops and I am frozen in place.

"No... I- I don't like a girl. Why would you say that?" I whisper the last part.

"I've known you ever since you were born, I know what every facial expression and body movement means. When you looked at the girl today, I knew what that look meant. It wasn't just a 'I like that shirt she's wearing' kind of look. It was something more, something way more. It's okay if your haven't figured it out yet but don't be afraid when you do. I'm always here and you have some really good people in your life that are too." She has a way with words.

Veronica was always good at reading people, knowing how they feel, especially family. I lay my head on my pillow and shut my eyes as quick as I can.

Damion had hinted at me possibly liking someone else but no one has ever really came out and said it before. It's so obvious to everyone else except me.

My homework is all I want to focus on right now. I can slowly feel everything changing in my life. I'm losing two of my best friends and that's what hurts the most. It like they don't care, none of this phases them and it's probably because they have each other.

Never in a million years would I ever have thought this would be happening. It's like someone ripped the last eight years out of my book and replaced it with everything that's happening now.

The vibration of my phone interrupts me, it's Ava. She sends me a picture of a beautiful silver costume.

Ava: My mom made this for you. It's not done yet but it will be soon. She's so happy that you're doing the talent show and she can't wait to see you perform.

me: Wow, it's beautiful. Tell her I said thank you so much. She didn't have to do that but now I'm feeling even better about this performance.

Ava: I'm glad, you're going to nail it!

Ava's mom has known me ever since I met Ava and my mom has known Ava for such a long time too. Our parents have done countless favors for each other, from picking up each others kids', to hosting many sleepovers. Lucy and Remi used to be apart of that but there were many times where it was just Ava and I.

I actually met her before we met Lucy and Remi.

"Hey mom, look at the costume Ava's mom made for me." I show my mom.

"That's gorgeous. I knew what she was going to create was going to be fabulous but she really outdid herself." She responds.

"Wait, you knew she was going to make me a costume?"

"She called and offered to make it. You know how much she cares for you and I think custom made costumes from the people who care about you are the best." She gives me that motherly look.

I start think about what I need to make my dance even better and I'm drawing a blank. Whenever I can't think straight, it seems so easy to run to my phone. I have a couple of messages from Arthur and before I know it, we're having a full blown conversation. I never noticed how much I appreciated him as a friend until now.

I send him the picture of the costume to see what he thinks about it and his reaction was better than I thought. It's all coming together slowly but we've got time.

The rest of the night goes by very quickly. I get all my work done, which is most important. All of us are pretty tired, so it's an early night for the whole family.

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