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     "Five minutes guys! Get in order, it's show time." The stage manager calls.

I am going on third and the auditorium is packed. I can see Roni sitting next to her mom and the rest of my family is right next to them. I also spot Lucy in the audience next to some of her new friends. I guess Remi drove her away, but hey that's not my business.

The show starts and the first act is on. Ember Evans kicks off the show with her powerful voice. I clapped along with the crowd when she was finished. Ember's voice is so calming but still so strong. She is definitely a force to be reckoned with.

Next is Gerard West, he's playing the saxophone and wow he sure knows how to please a crowd. I have confidence that I will be just as great as them.

"Next up with a contemporary solo is Nyla Carver." The announcer speaks.

The applause is loud.

I look out into the crowd as I walk out on the stage. I'm waiting for the music to start when I see Steven smiling at me.

Here we go.

It starts and I am in full on performance mode.

"I only told the moon, about the way you move. I asked her to please tell me if you tell things to her too." The song sings.

I dance all across the stage, feeling good, and changing my facial expressions to match the lyrics in the song.

 Once the song ends, I stand facing the crowd in my ending pose. After the shock of their applause comes over me, I curtsy and exit the stage.

I get high fives from some people back stage and I wish good luck to the next contestant. I kind of want to go back out there because it felt so good the first time.

I wait in the back with everyone else and watch the performers on stage.

A couple of us have conversations back stage and so many pictures get taken. The feeling of everyone's excitement was overwhelming  in a good way. Good sportsmanship is so important and there is so much of that tonight.

The last person performs and the whole back room is filled with cheers and claps.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming out tonight and supporting our talented students. We enjoyed each and every performance tonight and we hope you did too. We will take a fifteen minute break to choose the winner, don't go far. Refreshments will be in the hallway, help yourselves." The announcer speaks to the audience.

I head to the bathroom as I see my cousin running towards me with Ava and Arthur.

They nearly crash into me with a hug.

"I'm so proud of you Nyla." Ava says into my shoulder.

"You were amazing little cousin."

"Seriously, I wanted to get up on that stage and hug you as soon as it was over. You have talent Ny." Arthur tells me.

"Thank you guys so much. I danced for all of you, I couldn't of done it without your help and encouragement." I hug them one last time.

All of the contestant were called out on stage as the audience settled down.

"Now for the moment everyone has been waiting for, the results." Mr. Pacer is loud on the microphone. "We will announce the top five. Those whose names are not called, thank you for sharing your talents with us and you should be very proud of yourselves. Now in in fifth place is, David Archer."


"Fourth place, Abigail Nelson."


"Third place, Gerard West."


I'm a nervous wreck but no matter what, nothing can take away my happiness right now.

"Second place, Nyla Carver."

An instant smile displays on my face. I move up next to Gerard and congratulate him. I can hear my family cheering and yelling my name.

I'm proud of myself.

"First place, Ember Evans."

We cheer for Ember as she moves forward. She truly deserves first place. We take a bow and head to the changing rooms. No one seems sad which is amazing.

I meet my family in the front of the school. I see Steven standing not too far from them.

I embrace my family and I listen to all of their congratulations and sweet words. My dad comes up with the idea of going out to eat and I couldn't agree more.

My family goes ahead while I stay back and talk to Steven.

"That was amazing." He starts.

"Thank you, it felt really good to perform it."

"I know you heard me say it already but I am really sorry about the dance."

I cut him off.

"Don't be sorry, you did what you thought was right because of family even if it was just to trick you. Let's just move forward."

He hugs me.

"I gotta go but I'll talk to you later."

We say our goodbyes, as I head to the car I see Remi staring at us from a distance. I'm genuinely freaked out, she looks so angry and I'm not sure I'm completely the reason why, maybe it's a problem within herself.

Now we can officially focus on Christmas. We go on break in less than a day. No more worrying about my dance. I got a $50 visa gift card for winning second place and I was planning on using it towards my Christmas shopping my dad insists I use it for myself.

One day, I plan to tell my parents about my sexuality. One day in the far future but for now, I'm okay with just Malia and Roni knowing. I still have to get use to this new part of my life. Who knows what will happen with Reese, nothing may never happen but that doesn't mean there won't be someone else like her.

If there ever is someone else like Reese, I'll be ready.


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