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    Veronica looks at me with wide eyes but she also has a smile on her face. Steven is at the end of the hall holding a sign that's for me.

His sign reads, "I know you love to dance, so let's dance our way into the snow ball together!"

I will admit, it's a little cheesy but it's the thought that counts and it is extremely cute. The sign was turquoise, which is my favorite color and it was decorated so nicely. He had his friends around him holding some of my favorite things. King size peanut butter cups,  a baby tiger stuffed animal and roses.

"Will you go to the dance with me?" He says as I get closer.

"Of course!" My cheeks actually start to hurt from smiling so much.

He hugs me as everyone applauds, I see Arthur clapping and cheering the loudest. Ava is right next to him, trying to get him to turn it down a notch. I'm thankful that he's gotten close to us. We needed a friend like him.

Steven looks really happy and really relieved. I hope he didn't stress too much about asking me. As things start to settle down, I can see Remi and Lucy in the distance, staring at us. For some reason, I feel at peace with the whole situation with them. I'm still not a hundred percent sure as to why they act they way they do. The way they've been treating Ava and I isn't okay but I'm not in the mood to play cat and mouse with them.

The halls clear out as time moves on. Steven and I stay behind and he helps me put some of the stuff in my locker.

"That was amazing and I still can't believe it." I say with a little giggle.

"Were you surprised?" He asks, putting the teddy bear in my locker.

"I was. I didn't think you wanted to take me."

"I wanted to ask for a while but never knew how or when. So I decided to go with the sign, sometimes, I'm not really good with words."

"Don't worry, neither am I."

"I know it's a little last minute but I know it will be fun."

The snow ball is a big deal in our school, just like homecoming or prom. Everyone gets dressed up and it's the best thing ever.

"No, it perfectly fine. My mom will be so happy to take me dress shopping and to know how you asked me. My dad on the other hand may not be so thrilled." I joke with him.

"Got it." He laughs. "Well, I'll text you later, class is starting."

"Okay, I'll speak to you later." We exchange one last hug before heading off to class.

All day, it was so hard to focus. Especially when everyone was asking so many questions. The number one question of the day is "Are you and Steven dating?", all day, I've probably said no at least fifty times.

Right now we are definitely friends and I see it staying like that for a while. Steven and I don't really know each other as well as I would like. The dance is a good opportunity for that to change.

When lunch rolls around, my stomach twists and turns. I know exactly what's going to happen but I have to face them eventually.

As I expected, all three of them are already at the lunch table, chatting away. I sit down and everything just stops.

"What are they serving today? I'm really hungry." I try not to focus on the obvious but it was too obvious to ignore.

"How about those king sized peanut butter cups?" Veronica says sarcastically.

"You're a mess." I playfully nudge her and laugh.

"Okay, okay, no more games. Steven asked you to the dance! Do you need anymore proof that he likes you? because I don't." Ava is overly excited.

"No Ava, I don't need anymore proof. I see everything clearly now." I smile.

"I can't believe that happened. I mean it was perfect, he even got your favorite things, that's dedication right there. You guys are going to look cute at the dance in a couple of weeks." Arthur comments.

"I can't wait to see this one in a dress. And to see her with her date, my heart can't take it." Roni puts her hand to her chest as if it's going to pop out of her chest.

"I'm excited." I say, smiling extra hard while looking down at the table.

"Aw, she's blushing." Ava shouts.

"I don't blush, Ava." They all give me the side eye.

Throughout lunch, people have been sending me the pictures and videos they took of Steven and I. I post one on my Instagram, with a red heart as the caption.

"You know Remi and Lucy could not stop staring at you earlier, right?" Arthur mentions.

"Yeah, I saw them but whatever, they're in my past now I guess." I show no emotion when talking about them.

It's last period and Ava and I now sit on the other side of the room. We decided not to sit next to Remi and Lucy anymore because it would be too awkward.

Our teacher assigned us a worksheet so everyone is multi tasking, talking and working.

Ava and I are in between talking when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, I saw when Steven asked you to the dance, congrats, you two are cute together." The tap on my shoulder was from Reese.

Reese talked to me. She said Steven and I are cute together, why am I so awkward?

"Thanks." I manage to say.

My heart is literally skipping a beat right now. Why Reese? Why a girl? Why? Why? Why?

I go back to doing my work but my phone notifications distract me. I've been getting notifications all day but these specific notification practically makes my heart jump out of my chest.

Reese like my picture that I posted and she followed me. If there was ever a time where I felt like I was going to pass out, this is it. Not really, but it feels that way.  I want to tell Ava about it but it won't make much sense to her if she doesn't know the full story.

I think I might actually tell Roni about it. I just want to be able to talk about my feelings and not be judged for it, not that Ava would judge me. 

I hand in my worksheet and wait for the last bell to ring.

When it does, I go back to my locker and get the rest of my things. I am thankful my peanut butter cups didn't melt, I could use chocolate and peanut butter in my life right about now.

When I get home my parents are on the couch. Some days they get home early and those are the best days because they work a lot. They don't get off early often but I take what I can get.

"What's all this?" My mom stand up with her hands intertwined.

"I got asked to the dance today by Steven." I say with a huge smile back on my face.

My mom is pretty excited but I can see the look on my dad's face in the corner of my eye.


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