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Sometimes I tell my self I'm okayI repeat it like a mantra I'm okayI'm okayBecause I'm afraid if I stop Even for a momentI will drown in all the reasonsThat I'm not

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Sometimes I tell my self I'm okay
I repeat it like a mantra
I'm okay
I'm okay
Because I'm afraid if I stop
Even for a moment
I will drown in all the reasons
That I'm not


The night dragged on, Jensen banged and screamed trying to get out of the room that seemed to be ineffective. No one knew of his fear of being trapped in places, and the Vault it was trapping him. His breathing picking up and his heart beat quickening, he ran towards the door trying to use his speed to his advantage. He failed. Collapsing against the door he slid down till he could sit against it.


John realized he made a mistake the second he entered the underground, and Jensen was nowhere to be seen. Pulling open the door if the vault he saw Jensen laying in a heap on the floor shaking, his heart erratic causing him to panic. Shaking him awake, Jensen shot up instantly wrapping his arms around Johnny. Johnny soothed him as much as he could, carrying him up to where he slept Johnny laid him down.

Hours past after the incident went down, Jensen was awake rushing around the building. Clarice looked at him as she walked up stairs towards Johnny, he followed her. He soon was informed that Marcos was gone, helping some family to be able to get Lorna back.

"I'm coming, and trust me you are not locking me in that vault again so deal with it!" Jensen said looking at Johnny, which he reluctantly agreed to.


Running from robots, an interesting and very real situation at the moment. Terror filled eyes were on the family as they ran, well Jensen was walking.... until they were cornered by robots. Everyone tried holding them back the best they could until Jensen froze them starting to send vibrations through them to shatter but Andy ripped them apart with a yell. Everyone made it through the portal besides Reed who was shot, Jensen tried healing him using up his energy. Jensen fell into someone's arms, as the portal closed.

 Jensen fell into someone's arms, as the portal closed

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I'm Just a Kid ••• Andy Strucker [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now