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We were just childrenThrown into an adult warAnd now we're not kidsAnymore

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We were just children
Thrown into an adult war
And now we're not kids


"What do you mean they're gone" Jensen asked tears spilling from his eyes "where is Andy?"

"Andy and the others were-"


"Andy, Lauren, Clarice, and -"

"Oh my god! I told you not to do this!" Jensen yelled "I told you something would go wrong! Now they were taken by Trask, and they're doing god knows what!"

The building began to rumble as the rant continued, Jensen unaware of the shaking continued on. Minutes passed by before John grabbed the boy gripping the boy tightly.

"I get you're upset but you're going to take down the building if you don't stop!" John yells at the boy "Control yourself!"

The boy seem to freeze at the words, John released him slowly carefully watching the boy's reaction. Gripping his sleeve tightly in his hand Jensen walked to his room, hands moving to his messy hair desperately trying to calm himself. He could lost control not now, not ever. John already sees him as dangerous. He doesn't need any more reasons for people can be afraid of him.

Jensen has to focus on a way to the get them out without anyone getting captured or killed. He can do this. Panic gripped him as his thoughts took over, he couldn't do this. Andy and Lauren are being experimented on and god knows what they're doing to Clarice and S-. Her name felt wrong to say, all of a sudden he could figure out why but he will.


He knew something was wrong the second he was informed that Sentinel Services was collecting the mutants from Trask. It was an opportunity yes, but it didn't feel right. The whole situation was getting under his skin, something wasn't right. Something isn't right, he just doesn't know what. Something bad was going to happen.

It wasn't until Andy and Lauren were returned that he found out what happened. Sonia was dead, the triplets caused a mass shooting, and Sentinel Services are pissed. More than they already were.

The funeral was held, without a body in one of the fields near the underground. John was trying his best not to breakdown, and Jensen he was numb. He hasn't said anything more than a few sentences to Andy and Lauren, his breath caught in his throat when it was time for flowers. Something so beautiful used for something so ugly, a beautiful woman killed for an ugly cause.

Things were only going to get worse from there on out, he didn't know if he wad ready for it. But he had to be.

I'm Just a Kid ••• Andy Strucker [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now