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hurts like hell

 I drop my swordAnd cry for just A whileCause deep inside this armorThe warrior is a child

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I drop my sword
And cry for just
A while
Cause deep inside this armor
The warrior is a child


Without even a second glance at the two older men, Jensen turned and walked out of the room. They two watched as the boy pulled on a sweatshirt in an attempt to cover his bruised arms, closing the door to him room the boy slid down the wall. His hands shook as he tried desperately to stop the bruising he was causing, his arms were covered with dark bruises by the time Caitlin knocked him out with a sedative.

They had learned awhile ago not to snap at the boy, it's breaks him apart inside. They fear that one day it's going to rush out creating a flood. Screams once again filled the underground, Marcos never came and Lorna isn't here to help. And John, John was no where to be found at the moment near the unconscious boy. No came to hid side that night, not even Andy; leaving him paralyzed in his sleep. Morning rolled around and everyone came into a room to meet except Jensen. Hours passed before anyone entered his room, Andy was the first person to his side sliding on his knees to his side. Frantically trying to get him to move from his shaking state. Everyone else upstairs. Gripping the shaking boys face in his hands he looked into his eyes then glanced at his lips. Andy's lips met him own, the tension in the boy ceased as he kissed back his eyes wide. Foreheads resting together as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"The group was worried"

"Mhm, maybe we should go then" Jensen responded with a wide grin before leaving the room. Marcos and John both looked up when they noticed the presence of someone else in the room, a small smile form on their lips before embracing the boy into a hug. A whimper broke out from his lips as they were pressing on his arms.

"So Andy?" Marcos teased raising an eyebrow at him as Andy came into view, Jensen didn't reply just blushed before looking at his shoes.

"This plan you guys have is stupid, I have a feeling it going to go wrong"

"You alway say that"

"When am I wrong?"

"Not often"

"Then don't go!"

Jensen shouted his hands going into the air, the room instantly went cold the type you saw your breath cold. Jensen didn't notice. John walked into the room with his eyes on Jensen giving him a look like he was dangerous. That hurt him more than he could imagine. He felt his heart break.

I'm Just a Kid ••• Andy Strucker [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now