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Til everything burns While everyone screamsBurning their lies Burning my dreamsAll of this hate And all of this pain I'll burn it all down As my anger reigns

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Til everything burns
While everyone screams
Burning their lies
Burning my dreams
All of this hate
And all of this pain
I'll burn it all down
As my anger reigns


"Jensen!" John yelled grabbing the wrist of the teenage boy turning him around

"Let go John" Jensen replied in a dangerous tone, John's eyes widened Jensen had never called him John before. He didn't release his hold though, it continued to hold Jensen in place. "John"

Jensen ripped his arm away before shoving John away from him. He didn't want John touching him at all, the older mans eyes widened at the teenagers actions.

"Leave me alone"

A gust of wind and the fading trail of red was all that was left of the teenager as he ran off. Tilting his head back in defeat John fell back against his bed in exhaustion.


"Jensen?" Andy questioned walking through the door looking for the teen, whiskey eyes met Andy's in an instant

"Andy" he responded eyes moving to the floor, a cool hand cupping his cheek caught his attention. Guiding his face to his own Andy kissed the teen passionately. Andy's hands danced their way around Jensen's body in their moment.

"You are nothing less than amazing" Jensen breathed his eyes staring lovingly in to Andy's eyes

"I could say the same thing about you Jensen" Andy laughed returning the look


"Well maybe if you didn't stare at him like he was a monster!" Marcos seemed to talking to John

"I didn't me- I don't. I messed up bad and now he hates me"

"John you looked at a teenage boy! Practically a kid like he was a monster! Like he was dangerous! This is Jensen we are talking about"

He must have made a noise because the next thing he knew the two men were staring him. Jensen's head dropped immediately to look at his shoes not want to look at them. Turning on his heels a voice echoed through the room

"I'm sorry I can't control them" Jensen walked away after he spoke, he couldn't be near them. Jensen no longer wanted to be around them. Jensen locked himself in his room for the night not opening the door a single time or responding. Just laying there staring at the ceiling watching the sun creep it's way out of sight till night came. Jensen did know of he ever wanted to leave this room again.

I'm Just a Kid ••• Andy Strucker [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now