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But even gunmetal can warpand even wolf's teeth can dulland I do not want to see him breakthe way old and worn and overused things do

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But even gunmetal can warp
and even wolf's teeth can dull
and I do not want to see him break
the way old and worn and overused things do.
I do not want to see him go up in flames
the way all heroes end up martyrs.



Johnny carried Jensen's limp body to a chair, as Clarice was laid on the couch. Clarice gave little response to the people trying to help her, while Jensen gave no response. His heart beating dangerously slow for him, Johnny was kneeled next to him running a hand through the boys hair.

"Come on Jens," Johnny practically begged as Caitlin started looking him over. Jensen began to open his eyes when Clarice went haywire, in a second he was in front of Johnny and the Strucker kids pushing them away from the bed of a truck. Jensen began to sway on his feet only to be caught by Marcos, who swore at the kid under his breath.


It wasn't speed, or ice, or his other abilities that started to freak in his illness; it was his body. Tremors started to occur before a full blown seizure erupted, Caitlin cared to him trying to aid him through it. Everyone was focused on setting up a way to get medicine that the two mutants needed. A small voice caught their attention, in his sleep Jensen called out for John.

John was by his side in seconds running his hand through the hair of the ill boy, he was like a brother to him. It pained him to see him like this and not be able to be at his side every time he needed it. The portals came and went as time went on, until disaster began. Clarice abilities went haywire opening portals all around the underground, causing it to evacuate. John stayed with the two ill mutants, waiting for Caitlin to arrive to save the day.


Jensen sat alone in the main section of the underground, he really didn't have friends. He had himself, Marcos, and John - Sonia he was hesitant about and Lorna was taken. Everyone he knew was busy in some way, shape or form leaving him alone staring at the table in front of him memorizing the lines and cracks. A gently placed itself on his shoulder, turning his head he looked up to see the blonde teenager that was Lauren Strucker. He smiled generously at her as he turned more to face her

"Would you like to play a game with us?" She inquires at him, a small smile forming on her lips

"Would love to! Lead the way my fair lady," He joked walking with her to another section, Andy sat staring intensely at the board of monopoly as if it was an impossible task. Jensen took the seat next to Andy as Lauren settled in the one across from her brother.
Andy began explaining how they should play as the bills were stuck together and others shredded or missing. Jensen sat oblivious of the heart eyes Andy was giving him as Lauren watched the two interact.

I'm Just a Kid ••• Andy Strucker [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now